An evolved form of the remaining flood attacks a small village, make your last stand, will you die in fear, or kill them all? ***In order to play you must have the Gametype.*** ***MAP: Left for Dead *** Pics Bases Human Zombie Outposts A B This is my Infection Map "Left for Dead." It took me a couple of hours to make, id say 3-6, and then about 3 hours of beta testing. The map has a central room, and three outposts. If you want to win, you have to use the outpost because the zombies go by most of them to get to the central room, where the humans spawn, and you can kill them on there way there, so the campers don't get any killsD). GameType Zombies are regular speeds and shields, but low health. Alpha is slower but stronger (only mild, not like FatBoy). Weapon and Grenade pick-up is enabled. Humans are all regular Last Man Standing have 2x Shields General Thanks! P.S. Any constructive criticism would be nice, this is my first map so I expect it to be bad.
very nice infection game i like how zombies are slow and essentially have all the same traits as a human, nice work!
I like how the zombies continuously creep to the main base. Seems like a fun map, good job. And Killnon, inter- and geo-locking isn't important on levels other than foundry, the maps already have asthetics and smooth floors.
i am starting to love maps on ghost town. this one is a good one. could use some interlocking and geo-merging though. 4/5 for cool and fun gameplay
I like the spot where the humans spawn nice job with that man, but i don't really see any thing new to the map other than that.
im not a fan of ghost town, and i agree with sexy dude, more pics will show people more about your map.
Cool! I like the idea of making a map based on the new valve game coming out. You could of chose a better map, but overall 4/5
im guessing this map was made after the most awesome zombie game ever which is coming out in november... this map does look good though and im glad its not the usual foundry
I gotta say I like this map. I have a map for infection like this that I'm thinking about posting. It's called Z-town, USA and the great thing about it is, like this map, there is no great place to camp and is pretty fair for Zombies and Humans. I must say you've inspired me to post it. Good work on your map but you could've used a few more pics, none the less I give it a 4/5. May the Forge be with you.
Looks okay. One thing is that it is hard for the zombies. All of those turrets=zombies *Dead Face* You might want to get rid of a few turrets.