MLG Punishment By V3SPH MLG Punishment is my first MLG map, so it is not that good. It still is really fun to play on, the map is made equally, with both bases looking through two main towers. The map is great for 3v3, I think. The sides are nothing special, though they both have sniping areas like the bases. Download MLG Punishment
pretty good, but its a little sloppy and theres no interlocking that i can see. not being mean but you should know this too, all MLG's look like this try making something original.
WOW... This is a great map! I will download. 4.5/5 I like what you did with the stairs. The bases need a little bit more space though. I love symmetrical maps so I like this too.
very unoriginal. i suggest coming up with a different idea for a forged map. pretty good though compared to other mlg maps i have seen
The wall corners placed like that are very annoying because you can't just walk up them. You should sink them into the ground with the door technique. Looks great, though, I really like the second picture.
it looks pretty good, a valiant effort one important thing in mlg maps is that everything has to be interlocked because those guys are really anal 3.5/5 with no interlocking good job
^ wow nice spam oh now that i look i can see the interlocking, and i see the stairs interlocked, good job with that, my rating was a 2.5 but i change that to a 3.5
i assume you used the wall from hype. either way. this is a good post, i noticed that you put doors in to hop up to the double wall. i did that in my map. did you see mine and use my idea. i'm not mad, it would just be cool if i inspired someone, even just a little. its in my sig. either way. if this is your first MLG map then nice job. but it could use some work. you should really interlock everywhere.
Looks a bit sloppy, I think you should add more stuff, and add more pictures so we can get a better look at it, because I can't really see much. 2/5. Sorry.
looks good, it is really open though so i hope that you managed your weapons well. like the sniper spaw
this looks good for a first mlg map. seems kinda open but thats fine. you might want to make different routes to the bases. and the bases are kinda small too. but good job keep up the good forging
The middlke structure could usae some work it looks very plain and open but it seems very fun for MLG and it's accually really good, nice job.
Nice Attempt try adding double boxes in the middle for more of a center structure because it looks a bit open to me.
cool map, but my pet peeve in any map is when u just have a random corner wall sitting down on the friggin pisses me off!!! 4/5 though for the map!
Spoiler the thing i like about this is the parallelogram u made with the doors. brings me back to geometry