I like the idea but I would make some kind of switch or somethimg that the humans have to activate to kill the zombies. That way both sides are even
I think this map could be better if you interlocked and used all the shield doors to make the water brighter and better looking. ill dl if you make a better version 2.5/5 great idea though!
seems to hard for the zombies. I like the idea but it should be like spartan lazers or somthing. also its kinda hard to shoot through fencewalls at times. great idea porly executed 3.5/5
lol good idea but it could be made better thoughout and maybe a better system for"fishing" i dont personally have any ideas but ... it could be better
So you bounce up and down because of the bottom, are you sure they don't just fly around to the side and stuff? ps what weapons do the fishers have?
Even if you don't go down, you can still get in the ghost and not drive down, the teleporter would have no effect... And the map is a bit to sloppy.
It is clever, but it looks a little sloppy, I would suggest that you use the bottoms of the double boxes because they look a lot smoother. You had a very good idea here, but the fishing lines don't looks too real and your general execution was sub par. 3/5 Nice try
this has to follow an honor rule or something because i could be plaing get in a ghost and just stay in the ghost in the box you should have grav lifts spawn later on to push cheaters out of the boxes. Just a thought. good mini game by the way