I think this is a brillant idea everyone forges on foundry and forgets about every other map, me being one of them.
Matt, I think the idea is perfect. However... Can you do me one favor? Bold, colorize, middle this stuff man. We need this to be neat for it to work, your contest better be prepared too... For my ultimate map on Last Resort!
No, thanks, that wasn't aimed at you it was towards the people who hadn't read thoroughly and thought it was a real contest, lulz. I need suggestions, too. Thanks!
Maybe you should reconsider i mean if its a contest lots more people are likely to particapate than if its just an idea. You could make it an annual event aswell and could ask some of the mods or even yourself to judge.
As I said in the original post, I'm nobody special, no one will care about my contest. I need someone like a mod to host it, so it will be noticed and have attention. I put it in bold dummy ! This isn't a contest yet! Your not supposed to be posting anything lol
Then your thread will fail. Look at Tex, he didn't host when he was loyal now did he? Nuh-uh. Start hosting a contest by yourself, because trust me no one else will do it for a while. At least that's what I believe, but who the hell really knows.
I aut to slap you for that everyone is special in there own way its just that reynbow, tex and people like that have been here a long time so there just better known all you need is to do is get some self confidence.
Seems like a great idea. Specially because most of the maps entered would be minigames. I like forging on Avalanche too. I am curantly working on an Avalanche map that I will be posting in a few weeks/months I don't know when I'll finish it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbELWI5nkPg In this Video, UltiDrgn made a contraption to trap a noob, which is by far the best thing ive seen on last resort yet. You should check it out. =O {includes australian accent}