I'm not making an actual remake! Read here. I want to make a new map. So I have an idea. I want to make the community remake. What that means, is you tell me some of your favorite structures from halo 2 maps and I'll incorporate them. I'm allready using the floating midship platform, and a decent amount of warlock. I have halo 2, so give me some suggestions. Map 1 link
I think it would be cool to see narrow passageways up in the air like Lockout (obviosly it can't be over a death barrier) and a map that promotes both vehicle and hand to hand combat resembling Turf. Mabey big bases and pathways of all hieghts could make a great ''Headlong'' type map too. If you put the best qualities of H@ maps together than you would have a great map for sure. Good Luck and I hope this helped.
GD27, I can give two examples of how I will incorperate your ideas. I'll try vehicles, I actually just came up with an idea of how I could do that. But I will make a few floors on each of my warlock blocks with floating hallways with a seperate floating top structure. Dimmest bread, if you read this, please be a little more specific, as to the shape next time, as I'm not too familiar with Halo 2. I'll check anyway however.
Sorry about that, It's a circle () like that. Now there are stairs on each side, but they are on the inside. and then there is a ring around the inside for the second level. That is probobly really confusing. I would check it out for yourself.
Oh I remember, that was in the first match I ever played in halo 2. I'll try my best, but it will be more like a bunch of grav lifts. I'd make it, but it would prohibit many other features of the map. Maybe some other time.
.I cant remember the name of the map but its the 1 with 4 rooms or so on the sideand long walkways conecting them. Stairs and lifts going up & down. 2 opposite turrets and a sword in the middle. Anyways you should have it kinda be in the shape of a pentagon and have those spawn roomS.
You mean foundation. I have plans on making two maps now, and this is how the maps are currently split. Map one maps: Warlock Midship Turf Lockdown Headlong (A little) Map 2 maps: Foundation Sanctuary Going to start working on map one now.
It would be hard, but what about something like the ribs in Burial Mounds, or the back passage to the base, for use with a warthog
do the urban style of turf and headlong and incorporate it in you map this sounds really cool and i would like to help... PM me if you want my help cause its a cool idea.
Almost done with the first map. It's a symmetrical map. I was going to block off the back part of the map, the hallway part, but I said to never mind it and keep it, as a quick route to the enemies base and put the sniper spawn in their too. It has the warthogs and uses them well. I added something like the tower in sanctuary, but only the tower part, the stairs would'nt work so I used a mancannon. The next map will be FFA games.