I may have to get this.Price is on the high side 1200 points. Braid Blog Archive Braid is the highest-rated XBLA game ever. (Also, sales data).
Braid is a platforming game developed by independent software developer Jonathan Blow for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade service. The title was officially announced for Xbox Live Arcade during Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show 2007 press conference and was released on August 6, 2008. Wikipedia.
i've heard good things about this and have been meaning to check it out. anyone try the demo yet? post some screens?
I've tried the demo. It's xbox version of Mario if your into that type of thing, I am! ((The 2D version of Mario.)) You have to collect puzzle pieces, and if you have a hard time and fail a part you can go back in time. ((Press the B button.)) I'm not good at collecting the puzzle pieces however.
Its actually 8th now. Or it was yesterday at least. And i bought this a few days ago. Its an amazing game. Definitely worth the 15 dollars. Probably the best game on the xbl arcade by a long shot. You definitely need to try it out. Just for the record the first level in the demo isn't a very good representation seeing how the others use the time puzzles much more. Oh.. and the ending.. awesome..
Wow, it must be a pretty good arcade game. I'd get it, if it wasn't for the fact that I never buy Arcade games, only the ones that are free, or the ones that come with the live box. Plus, I just got a Chatpad, and 1 year of Xbox Live, because I'm running out, so I don't want to spend more money now, especially for an Arcade game. From the pics someone posted, it doesn't seem like a game I'd waste 15 bucks on. Rather wait for GoW2, or Banjo & Kazooie.
yah its a cool game maybe on the pricey side. ibve bought a few xbla games this month so ima hold off for a little. i like the time travel thing, but it makes it a little esy
Here's a vid of it. This might help the undecided, like me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD55Xkx8QpY
I never do either. It was my second one i had actually bought. (i bought uno but just with the 400 points card that came with the starter kit) And you wouldn't be "wasting" your money. Although saving it for GoW2 or BK isn't that bad of an idea either. =/ I completely understand why people complain that its pricey. But the thing I hate is that people seem to think that the develpers just want money. For the record they havent made a profit yet, in fact they are under right now. You have to take into account the fact that Microsoft gets 45% of the money and also how much it costs to make the game in the first place. And honestly, its far from easy. Some of the puzzles seem mindbendingly hard untill you realize how they work. Some I couldn't even get without some hints. The time reversal doesn't make it easy anyway. Unlike games like Prince of Persia Sands of Time or Blinx its not just an undo feature in which you only have a limited amount of time to use it. It is the CORE aspect of the game. The game literally cannot be beaten without using it for almost every puzzle. (the first level being the only exeption) At the same time its not gimicky or too overly hard. When you finally realize what you didn't see before you get the awesomest "whoah" feeling. All the way through the game those kept me smiling constantly. Only a taste. All of the levels use the time features differently and awesomely. And this is world 2 (its starts on world 2 (it'd be a spoiler to tell you why) and it really doesn't use much of the time puzzles. Though if your planing on buying the game don't watch the other ones.. it will ruin it)
I played through the demo and didn't really see anything special about it or why it got rated so highly. There's so many points in the game where it's just blatantly obvious that they were stealing from Mario. The time-reversal thing is neat but nothing too spectacular. I really don't know how it got to be this popular.
Where in the game is it stealing from Mario? Its not even really about the platforming.. its all about the puzzles. If it were a straight platformer it would suck. And there are no power ups. What, the the piranah pipes? =/ So what? There is one level that is like Donkey Kong but it is supposed to be like that. It wasn't "stolen" he admits that's where he got that part from. And like I said.. the beginning doesn't represent the whole game.
The demo doesn't do it justice. It is well worth the 15$ price tag. Each world uses time differently in order to solve puzzles. The amount of thought that went into this game is astounding! Some of the puzzles are just mind bending, and to top it off, there's the added challenge of collecting the eight stars hidden throughout the worlds. You don't get an achievement for them, but it's worth getting just because it's so satisfying. I have four so far. As for the ending and story...I think this may be the best written game of this console generation. I still don't know what to think of Tim. Spoiler Do you think he's a sexual predator and ****ing crazy, or that he means well and is just misunderstood?