Bungie Favourites - Should it be chosen by groups, or by Bungie?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IDave the Rave, Aug 1, 2008.


Bungie Favourites -Should it be hosen by groups, Bungie or the community?

Poll closed Nov 9, 2008.
  1. Groups

    0 vote(s)
  2. Bungie

    16 vote(s)
  3. Community

    10 vote(s)
  1. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Bungie Favourites - Should it be chosen by groups, or by Bungie, or by the whole community?

    Personally I think that Bungie faves being chsen by groups is unfair on those skilled/talented forgers, screenshot artists etc. who do not know which group to join to be in with the chance to get on Bungie Favourites.
    Also the group leader can choose for any of his own stuff to be on Bungie Faves, can't he?

    Bungie being ables to choose would cause the same problem except it would be those who do not know any Bungie staff.

    However, if the community were to choose people would get onto Bungie Favourites by getting a Recon Pic and putting as the description 'Choose for this to go on Bungie Faves and get Recon armour'.
  2. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Bungie, unbiased opinion
  3. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    I would say bungie, they find most good stuff I havent seen already.
  4. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    BUNGIE Favorites should be chosen by BUNGIE because it's stuff that BUNGIE favors...
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I agree with rhinestorm. it would be sweet to if that bungie gave recon to those they favorite'd, but maybe that would be too many people with recon.
  6. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    The community knows more about maps because they are the ones who make them. Even though it's called BungieFavorites, I still think the community should choose.
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    How the hell are you proposing that a community of well over a few million people choose a segment as relatively small as bungie favorites.
    A vote?Come on,do you want billions upon billions of people to make chain letters advertising their maps and spam people to f***?Do you demand that bungie looks through billions of maps to put the good ones up for a vote?
    Impossible,at least think about your theories feasibility before posting on a forum.
    Groups are ridiculous as its BUNGIE favorites and they will only ever choose their groups material.
    As bungie they picked/played maps that had achieved e-fame and selected the ones they like.But i imagine they thought it wasnt updated enough which is why they switched
    Did that OP suggest they make bungie favspeople get recon?
    Oh dear god...the map forums would be drowned with even more terrible "l337" zombie maps and "kick ass" variants...
    Bungie's descision all the way
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i think they should choose good stuff thats all. and obviously bungie b/c its there favorites.
  9. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    To be honest I don't understand why Bungie can't just have Bungie Favourites as THEIR favourites again, I mean when they where choosing them, at least the maps seemed to be alright. Anyone agree?
  10. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    The real question is how did this thread come back alive?

    If Bungie were to choose their favorites again, most of the Favorites would be winsauce like they once were. While it is great that we would become the supreme overlord of the maps part of it (duh), then some other community maps would be overlooked. But that's the only bad part. I'm all for Bungie fav's chosen by Bungie.
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Bungie favorites didn't include some of the best maps back when it was their choice.
  12. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    I say that Bungie Favorites needs a balance of group and Bungie picks.

    It would be great if they just alternated weeks. This would not only give Bungie more time to thoroughly look for great picks, but it would also showcase the greatness of certain halo communities, such as Forge Hub.

    I think leaving it all to groups is garbage, after all, they are Bungie's Favorites. But if they can pull off a balance of both groups and their own picks, I think it would be much better.
  13. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Forgehub Ftw! Forgehub pwns n00b groups like Compound Intelligence!
  14. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    I feel it should be chosen by Bungie itself, for the obvious reasons, i know i don't have to go in to too much detail because everyone knows bungie favourites sucks besides the odd screenshot or two, the main cause for this is that some people's standard of good is very low compared to that on forgehub, and when chosen the first maps and screenshots to come to mind is thier own and their closest friends. This is a bad idea because like said before its not always that good. To solve this problem would be easy, from now on have bungie choose the favourites, stops any bios features, or make the major website/forum theme in charge of the the feature favourite. This means forgehub would be in charge of maps and game types, machinima would be in charge of the videos and etc. This would solve the problem dramatically and everyone would have an equal chance.

    hope that helped, that is how i feel and im sure many others agree
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The Halo community deserves their right to choose maps. We are the ones who make the maps, we are the ones who make them popular, and we are the ones who patronize everything Bungie puts their logo on. I think we are well qualified to pick Bungie favorites, because in the end, wouldn't we know best?

    Although there is the alternative, which Bungie chooses their favorites to avoid over-spamming of the same map. But this doesn't seem to be working. I have been very disappointed with their failvorites lately, with their random screenshots and just plain mediocre map variants.

    So, in conclusion, I think we would all be fine with choosing the Bungie favorites, because I know that most of our Featured maps here could surpass any favorites.

    Or at least they could make a community favorites with as much recognition as Bungie favories, which we choose.
  16. oX Arson Xo

    oX Arson Xo Ancient
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    the bungie favs have been disgustingly terrible lately, it seems theres just some random map finding generator and they pick the first ones that come up.
  17. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Neither. By the cummunity. Therde should be a vote on Bungie fav maps.

    The reason why the maps suck on Bungie favorates suck is they are not custom/forge groups and they do not use the unlimited Bundget glitch. Bungie doesn't like it because it is basically cheating.
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I say Bungie takes the newest featured Forgehub map, a gametype from here, a picture, and a video, and then the rest goes to the community. We all would be happy then :recon:
  19. MetalDog84

    MetalDog84 Ancient
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    Its called BUNGIE favorites, not GROUP favorites
  20. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Exactly, but they need to work on their whatever, maybe they have put all their effort into fixing the Rocket Spartan that fell from the PoD Webcam. I can totally see 5 of them gathered around him trying to fix all his broken stuff.

    The fact is that we just have to accept it, and hope Bungie will stop being lazy. We all have to blame Stosh

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