
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TDH, Jul 10, 2008.


What do you think of the map?

  1. Great

    76 vote(s)
  2. Good

    12 vote(s)
  3. Not bad

    1 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    0 vote(s)
  5. Terrible

    0 vote(s)
  1. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Awsomist map eva 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5 looks fun cant wait to play it. Keep Forging!
  2. Happy War Cow

    Happy War Cow Ancient
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    That...looks...amazing. I will promptly download it and then proceed to spank noobs.
  3. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well coming back to paragon, the only thing i didnt like about it, is you telling everyone that the rockets respawned at 150 sec! thesilencebroken and i were playing on it, and i knew he knew the map well, and hed be there when they spawned, and he managed to get them before me, atom-bombed my teamate, then conveniently jumped to the cieling, squeezed off a shot just passing under the lowered cieling, blowing him back a few hundred yards. priceless..... i think this should get featured sometime, i really do. you inspired me to create something similar to renegade, and now i would like to someday create something like this. good work
  4. grungily potato

    grungily potato Ancient
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    i do like this map but it seems too small. there are a lot of thing to get stuck on while walking because even though it is smooth you cant always look where you are going.
    i can't wait for your next map.
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    This should of been featured I think...
  6. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    This is a very good map TDH. Future feature no doubt. The layout is simply had very much put into it thats for sure. The Geometry of this map is magnificent and is a great influence to younger members to try. 5/5 great job.
  7. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    I personally enjoy this map, a lot. I see nothing wrong with this map and I haven't the slightest idea why this isn't featured yet. Keep up the amazingness please?
  8. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Close quarter combat at it's finest.
    I did not know what to expect at first, but the first picture caught my attention.
    The wall design in not only unique but very clean and proffesional.
    This map deserves 5/5 stars. Great job, man.
  9. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    This map is the best I think I've ever been on. Great work Tom.

    Dave the Rasve52
  10. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I just cant get over how cool the ceiling is, the ceiling is what makes this map
  11. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    wow this is really cool il ike the curved roof alot ill dl asap and it looks relally cool grat job
  12. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    how did you make the curved ceiling so neat. oh well this should definately get featured in all its awesomeness the only bad thing is that it requires a special gametype. ill probably just remember the settings and change it every time i use this map. another awesome map from tom
  13. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    I love this map i have downloaded it and i love it the idea behind it and i really like the weapons on the wall idea , the only problem is the sniper is overpowered because it's has alot of long narrow hallways.
  14. Elite Ruler

    Elite Ruler Ancient
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    wow it looks really well made. i would like to know how long it took? seems like it would have taken forever.
  15. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    I played on this map and i must say this slaps a smile on my face ohhh who am i joking i don't care if i get in trouble its a forger like you who just bring tears to my eye godbless and don't you stop forging!!!!!
  16. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wow. Just wow. It's clear you put an incredible amount of effort into this map, making it playable and aesthetically pleasing to the highest degree. You didn't even have to write anything to convince me of this map's awesomeness. The pictures make this an instant download. Oh, and congrats on the Premium and the Feature. You deserved it. :)
  17. Homely Boy

    Homely Boy Ancient
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    This look to have some AWESOME gameplay. If it plays as good as it looks, it should be in the Doubles Matchmaking online. (im babbling) I'll DL! Keep on forging!!
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    The Review Hub

    TD Harding
    Reviewed by: The Yellow

    Enjoyment: 9/10

    Oh yeah. Boi do I love doubles, and boi did I love playing Paragon. I'd have to say, it it hadn't been released early on, this would have been in the 2v2 faceoff. This is probably one of the best designed smaller tactical maps I've seen. Things just seem amplified on this map. And to add to the feeling the enviroment is of a new feeling. Basically thats all there is to it. This map plays well for the intended party sizes and gametypes.

    Balance: 9.5/10

    Almost professionally done really. The layout definately works well. There is an adequate amount of cover to balance out each weapon. And the weapons themselves are counter-balanced well. Great use of the plasma rifle. And I love how TD Harding has not only set the rocket launcher to a long spanw time but he has made it place at start no, which helps gameplay so everyone doesn't jumble together in the beginning in hopes of grabbing the rockets. He did a pretty good job with spawns too. Ha, another great idea is to no-scope the rocket bearer.

    Durability: 8.25/10

    Unfortunately, even with a good number of side passages and cover, there are still some noticeable spawn issues on this map. I do know that while it may be impossible to escape, spawns are also in this category which is why this needed to be counted off. While my party and I were reviewing this map, while I was defending there were actually a number of times when are enemies would always spawn in this little hall and we could easily get the jump on them. Additionally, I know that TD made gametypes for this map, but it did say it works with standard Team Slayer, and although it doesn, grenades present spawn camping issues as well. But back to the other spawns. I'm not sure if it is because perhaps spawn areas were not used to the best of their ability or not at all, but occassionally spawns were predictable. But, hey, it didn't ruin the gameplay overall. I still thoroughly enjoyed playing this, as did my party. These spawns are something that are mostly of an annoyance, but be careful because they can sometimes be a real pain. But overall, with the size of the map taken into account, TD did a great job.

    Aesthetics: 10/10

    Whoa. Wow. Now this is a map that one could get lost in, even in game. I mean, somethings are deceptively simple but everything looks so clean. I swear I wasn't the slightest bit reminded of Foundry during my time playing this. The entire roof looks great. The cobwebs look awesome, and I know how big of a pain that would have been to do. TD Harding obviously spared no expense in making this masterpiece. I mean, every corner, every niche, everything looks clean cut down to the wire.

    Originality: 8.5/10

    One of the best Foundry 2v2 maps definately. This map had a few things I hadn't seen before like the "cobwebs" and the little frame around the flag spawn. But, I mean as a whole it isn't incredibly original. If you look at his overhead shot, this map's basic layout is quite simple. It really reminds me of old maps like Tunnel Raid almost. So that is why this didn't score quite as high as in othr areas, but if you look at the entire map, and the feel of it, still pretty darn original.

    Overall: 9.5/10

    This is one of those maps with perfection in sight. Along with few others this has almost attained it. Any player who enjoys doubles or even a 1v1 will need to have this map on their hard drive. It is just functions so well. it looks amazing. And most importantly it stands out from the rest and provides a completely alien non-Foundry atmosphere. With maybe a few touch ups on spawns this map could be the best 2v2 one out there. Definately worth it.
  19. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    nothing to say but amazing map + gameplay. Great job, keep em coming ^_^
  20. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    This is my favorite forged map hands down. The aesthetics are mindblowing, and gameplay is great for 2v2's. /5

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