Great sig, but I think Gordon's face is kinda weird looking at the edges. Maybe a little blur in some parts?
Look at particularly the top right and bottom left of Gordon. The edges dont really blend well with the background too well, so I'd so some subtle blurring there.
thats great, me to, i have gotten really good at layering, when i get back, we are going to do that render a day thing i told you abou kk
Its still there, but a little When I used to make sigs, I used to try to make the render stick out but not feel out of place. In this, you can tell its a background with Gordon on a seperate layer. If you know what I mean. Love the work on the background and the border, though. Would a orange HL2 icon in the top left work? Just a thought. Same color as teh border.
Render a day? something I could join? Anyway, it needs to be burned/doged in some areas, by the ear. It's too pixelish.
sure alby, what we do is decide on a render, and then make a sig out of it, im going to make a group, and we can get it started in 2 weeks, cuz ima be in london
London, you n00b. Only Londonians go there. And it would be great to have you with us Alby. I will go ahead and start the group. But I wont start the actual competition until LOCK gets back.