Ok this is my frist map i made and my frist post. Heres the Entrance to the castle when its closed The door closes after 20 seconds and the barrier spawns after 30 seconds. On the top of the castle there are 3 turrets that never respawn. On top of the castle A side is a sniper rifle with no sare clips and respawns evey 90 seconds, On the B side is a Beam Rifle that never respawns. There is also 3 Sentinel beams that respawns evey 30 seconds. Heres a room to the right of the entrance with a spartan laser in it Heres an AR room in the castle the ars respawns with no spare clipes every 45 seconds And Heres the BR room in the castle the brs respawns with no spare clipes every 60 seconds heres the thrown room that has a flamethrower that spawns after 120 seconds. There is a flag Too Now Heres the village there is one active Camo On B side of the village that respawns evey 60 seconds and an overshield on A side that respawns every 45 seconds Heres A side Weapon room And B side Weapon room And A Gravity Hammer that never respawns Heres Castle X Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing And Heres Kill the king Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
looks like a cool map, the only probs is, from what i can see, theres no interlocking or geomerging. also the armory is a big no as i found out, recently i done a map with an armory and there was a massive negative response. also, i think there may be to many power weapons, and weapons that dont respawn arnt a good idea if the map is meant for slayer based games. one last thing, spread out the weapons in the castle a bit more, dont have like br rooms and ar rooms. but overall a good first post and im glad that your pics worked first time. 3/5 [EDIT] once the castle gates close, is it impossible to get in, cause that would be a big no no, try doing a resettable switch to open and close the gate
Sounds cool to play on.Buts heres one question.How do I get maps from this site to me 360...I made a map B4 I registered Do I have to make it again?
Armories are a bad idea here in forgehub... Because this allows camping, and it's too easy to win with that... Basically you can camp at the back, with rocket launchers and snipers... Until the other guys quit...
this really REALLY needs interlocking flip the boxes over so you have a flat surface to walk on aswell
Click the link right at the bottom of the main post. that will take you to bungie. youll know what to do from there
looks really cool, but the castle idea has been overdone. you should also flip those boxes upside down. good start though
I think this map has a good idea but isee some problems with this map. there is almost no cover for the zombies, and this is no offence but a little poorly made. the map need some work but overall you have a good idea. good luck with a V2 -xMBMAxPureEvil