Snipe is a map made for Shotty Snipers. There are 2 bases. A large 2 story base, and a smaller, more secure, base. These are connected by a bridge. This is a very casual map. Made for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4. HAVE FUN! DOWNLOAD: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing DOWNLOAD SHOTTY SNIPERS (IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT ALREADY) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
cool map me likey dude! 4/5 for interlocking, otherwise its been overdone like a bajillion (i like that word) times
this looks like a really nice idea play very well with shotty snipers and normal snipers really nice idea and very well forged good job
The map is good, I like the structures that are in the maom but the floors are very barren, but mabye that is a good thing, this way snipers get the advantage on the roof tops.
i like the center structure but i think people would camp with there shotguns in it and it's pretty original but i have seen the thing with the stairs as a bridge way to many times now (about 4 not including this one)
your map is crap!!!! nah im kidding good map nice interlock. looks like a sniper-***** war but id have to play to detirmine that for myself
Like you've made some good maps...jk jk. Ya it is all based on Snipers and is a very, very, casual map.
wow this is sick interlocking is tremendous the houses look so good i really hope this gets featured 5/5 i will dl and get better with sniper so i can play this map
Wow, I love the layout of the map. A main Structure, with a side structure, both are slightly complex inside (based on pics), and there is some cover on the floor, but it wouldn't matter if there's a Sniper on the rooftops. I also like how the Active Camo is completely isolated from the main part of the map, with a large area with little cover in front of it. The Interlocking is amazing. What would make the map a blast would be an Highway, elevated in the open area in the last picture. It would create another place to Snipe, and add another dynamic part to the map, creating an experience such as Terminal did in H2. Excellent map, 5/5.
ya, originally I was going to have a castle theme for the map. I was going to have a moat run under and the bridge and around the map. I might do a v2 if this map gets really popular.
I don't see the resemblance in this and Tunnel rats. There are no tunnels. I guess the closest thing to tunnels is the bunker on the small base.