Dynasty- 2-8 players Dynasty has two "towers" in the middle of the map. And two bases with sniping towers right up above them. Gametypes FFA Multi-flag Oddball Vip Weapons- x4 BR x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Carbine x2 Mauler (Limited Ammo) x2 SMG x1 Sential Beam x1 Energy Sword x1 Spiker x1 Needler x1 Plasma Pistol Other Stuff x1 Radar Jammer x1 Flare x2 Tripmine (at each base) x2 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Power Drain x1 Active Camo (120 sec) Description- Dynasty is a unique map with two towers in the middle and two bases with sniper towers right up above the base. To get to the sniping tower(s) You need to go through the teleporter located at the middle of the map. You will end up at either sniper tower when you go through it. It took me over 5 hours to complete. There is interlocking and geomerging. If you could find a way out of my map I will give you a cookie. Pics (the most important stuff) View from the red teams base, The camo is supposed to be like that, right under the bridge. Veiw from the left side of the map View from the right side of the map. View from under the Red Teams base Sniper tower from the Red Teams base. The slanted wall is for extra height for sniping. View from the blue teams base Sword spawn, and Blue Teams sniping tower Download Map Here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I would appreicate it if you commented. And I would like to have constructive critcism please. My maps will only get better if have have it
i have to be honest. i look really sloppy. those two double boxes are annoying and unnesesary. i'm not being mean. i'm being right. also to the guy above me. your post is basically spam. you need to talk about the map a bit more.
it looks ok, you've used interlocking, but it still looks a bit messy in places, just tidy up a bit and it will be worth a download 3/5
okay i think we get the part it looks sloppy but i think that the game play on this map would be well good for 2 on 2 or slayer
Great map, I would have to add though. That it needs to beneater, this looks like the type of map that was built as it was thought out, the results are not that bad, but it looks messy.
hmm it looks ok your interlocking needs a little work other than that looks fun a v2 would prob be 4/5 but v1 is 3.25/5