Forge map One like Tantive IV in star wars Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men INFINITY MONEY AND CHEEZBURGAS Quantum Mechanics Like a teleporter map Placeable brutes and grunts and prophets Rosie O' Donell A map where it is raining human esophaguses A map in hell Volcanoes Timbaland and/or Abraham Lincoln Music Tracks from Red Hot Chili Peppers Computers to go on mid-game while ppl are shooting at you axes knives bowstaves spears with energy swords taped on the end Nemihara Some other asian people PIKAChu Teleport grenades that send people places more axes Final Fantasy giant lightbulbs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulances, roflcopters, and lolerskates shurikens even more axes long lists of things that won't be in Halo meeeeeeeee squids doin it squids doin it with luke and that is it FOR NOW....
Kind of a spam post. This was the original thread about this topic, incase you didn't realize this thread is 2 months old. But yes, DtL is right, I think there will be a new forge map in the Mythic map pack, especially with that video on that virtual forge-looking map.
I see the future for all of FH user's report cards, they all are a steady line of F with a D- in computer programming. Oh and A in PE its easy ****.
I do like the water ideas, and, yes bungie did change the vehicles for avalanche so they obviously could make some changes for a water map of some kind.
i would like to see a btb map that has complex bases just so ppl would have to use their head thats all i want
Headlong. Midship. Ivory Tower. Those were fun maps. Tombstone would be nice, it is sort of a classic. (More so than Chill Out for sure) But the map I'd really love to see would be Damnation. They could definitely find a way around the no fall damage.
No he was talking about fall damage from falling from the top to the bottom of the map. This would be a good custom game option if they had some of the old halo 1 maps so long as I could use my leet hce skills to cancel the fall damage by crouching at the last second.
i would love a map that is underwater like in that game bioshock. that would be awesome. Everything is underwater, but yu are protected by this HUGE little town thingy with air