Map Title: Water Temple Boss Room The place where the Hero Of Time once fought the Giant Aquatic Amoeba Morpha Top Corner View Another Corner View Center View From Ground Center View With Grav Lifts As The Ladders Description This is my first map on forge hub so I'll try to decribe it as best as I can. There are 4 towers in the middle like in OOT the grav lifts act as the ladders for the towers. Then there is the outer edge wtch you can run around. Gametypes King Of The Hill(Water TempleKoH) FFA Slayer(Hyrulian Slayer) Team Oddball(Team Triforce) Infection(Morpha's Prey) Download Map
Sorry to say this is boring, but this is boring. Needs cover, and please add on to it, 1.5/5 But great on your first Post.
It looks like a pit. With pillars in it. Of course, that's how the level itself was designed. =| Still, I'd think you should've done something more interesting. But yay for the Ocarina reference.
Were you just making this map for looks or actual gameplay? Either way it's incredibly boring and simple. It seems like you put no work in to it at all.
looks kinda basic and impl, not really well made and the gameplay looks like its terrible might want to add something interesting to 'spice things up a bit"
Its not boring, every map has potential. I wouldn't say it would make me fall asleep but it would be generic. I could really care less if it used fancy techniques but people are picky, which means you're pretty much ****ed. Excuse the language but its the truth. The spawns could be way better though, it looks like you were using them as an aestethic in your screenshots which is a no-no.
i like the higher and lower ground i was banned and un banned for one reason i was spamming to rank up i promise it wont happen again forgehub creatators
It is a very accurate remake of the OoT boss room. Could use interlocking ang geo-merging, though. Nice work. I like the idea, but it seems a little boring to play on. Anyway, 4/5 for being an accurate remake.
Yea, besides the fact that it's nothing special, it's not even interlocked... I'm sorry but that is laziness in my opinion.
hmmm, its kinda boring (i hope this information helps) but its a cool idea for a remake, but it seems like it didnt take much time to make and used little budget, so try using the budget to make the level fancy.
I would like you to know, this map is a replica of the Water Temples Boss Battle room from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. You dont see link hiding behind barriers, the map was made the same as the room. You cant change a replica. Good map, as i said, im a huge Zelda fan. (Beaten OoC 18 times =D) What weapon does Morpha get in the Infection game? If only people got like reverse grav lifts to pull him out of a shield door tower and then hit him with energy sword (That was the stupidest idea ever, lol) 4/5, Some of the ascetics could be better.
looks okay i dont think gameplay will work very well but yet again i haveent tryed it it does look a little sloppy w/o and type of meging but its good for your first post and welcome to forgehub
Funny things is I was just playing that boss a few days ago, I think you could have chosen a better boss battle room then this one. You did a great job recreating the map, I would know it was that with out a title but next time try something with a lot more depth then pillars.
if you guys could tell me a better boss battle room then go for it and I will do my best to remake it
wtf is the point of this map...(like in a good way though....) like ctf or KOTH or add something cool to it, this looks not that good so far....1/5
I want to say that this is a great map, but if I did, I'd be lieing. Your map is effectively a pit with four pillars in it, accented with a couple gravity lifts. It's not even interlocked. I suppose it would be alright for a slayer match, but try a little harder next time. Sorry.
Its a remake of a great boss battle but then again I could make a remake of a great big wall and it wouldnt make my map good. 2/5