[youtube]Cfuyu3MfkJ4[/youtube] This map is exactly what the video shows you BOWLING! yay In bowling you start off in the parking lot and make your way up to the bowling balls. Melee the balls down the stairs the balls go off the ramp and hit the fusion coils. Afterwards the ball goes through the ball return and you continue the fun process of bowling. If you would like to download click the link below http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17053285&viewreplies=true
looks awesome! one suggestion though is to put a death teleporter where you get stuck if you go through the ball return accidentally (I know it won't happen often but just in case)
Lmao "and theres this little viewing room so you can see how well you did... If you can't see very well..." Big fan of the guy who kept crouching! Looks like a sick map! The ball return system is awesome too! :squirrel_rocking: Edit: After trying it I have two suggestions turn the outer mancannons so they face the fusion coils a little more, I know thats supposed to be like the gutter lane but as it is people will just avoid rolling the ball down the outer stairs. So if you point them a bit inwards it would make it work a bit better... and also instead of grave hammers (when using them the soccer ball goes flying over the mancannons) why not use swords? there basically the same concept as mancannons but without the explosion... Just some thoughts... Oh and LMAO at the respawn *****... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
This is a great effort, but it is not the first bowling map. Or maybe it was, and the one i downloaded a month ago was based on yours. I have to assume that one was based on the other since they are so similar. The one i have on my 360 right now also has gutters and an improved ball return system. I checked and is still published in the guy's share. I don't want to advertise in your thread, so let me know if you want to try the other one out, and i'll send you a link to that guy's thread.
I don't mean to harsh you but I saw a better blowing map at Bnet. Same concept just alittle better. Still pretty cool though.