Their enemys are back but this time the grave is different! Improvements: Much cleaner, not as many power weapons better "anti spawn kill" better main building, and different graves for each different God. The Front Entrance The tunnel under entrance Upgraded anti spawn kill (p.s. inside there is a teleporter that leads to 3 teleporters outside of it so it makes it much harder to spawn kill) Main Building Tunnels Inside Main Building Top of Main Building Normal God Grave Mega God Grave Overview Weapons List 2x Shotgun 6x SMG 1x Rocket 4x Battle Rifle 4x Assault Rifle 4x Magnum 2x Snipe 4x Spiker 4x Mauer 2x Brute shot All weapons are never respawn and you DO NOT have infinite ammo. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Game Variant^^ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Map Variant^^
Can you please tell me what is sloppy... because I have made all of the floors very clean and in real game it looks very clean
I agree with killnon2, the map seems good, but it's sloopy looking. I don't really see the point of having all those teleporters. I suggest you make another version that's neater.
looks like a good map, the anti-spawn thing is usless, just make more spawns instead of one. Asthetics are great. I dissagree with everyone who has commented sofar, this map looks smooth, and i hope you do get shots of map from other angles. And I see what the pallets are for! you can break them and hide in the graves! am i right?
I do like the idea. Props to you. Now people, come on, why don't you tell the kid which areas of his map look sloppy to you. Just telling him, oh its sloppy make a v2 doesn't help him. He won't know what to make straighter and cleaner in the v2. Also, there is a chance it is sloppy for a reason.
this is much better than the v1 esterday the roof looks kinda messy did you use telle nodes to hold up the pallets? it aslo looks like you flipped the map which is interesting
I personal think that there is way too many power weapons on this map, infection where the zombies get blown to bits by every weapon thinkable is pretty tedious when you're the zombie. And for you're "anti-spawn camp" contraption (<--Do I sound old for saying that?) you could shoot the zombies as they pass the shield door which is pretty much spawn camping if the zombies spawn behind it all the time. It's a great idea for a map; however executed poorly. Sorry.
Speed-e the anti-spawn kill thing I forgot to add onto the post (I did edit it in though now) has a sender node inside that leads to 3 teleporters outside
^ agreed there are too many powerful weopons on the map try to slow down with the teleporters on the map Interlocking looks very done, people think its not clean just from the pics good job 4.5/5
dude this is V2 this is an amazing map, the construction of the graves is very interesting, i like how there is an intereor to all of the tombs, kudos.
The idea is priceless, but interlocking is sloppy... Because if we take a look at pcture 6 we can see the the boxes are not all straight, mabye this was designed to give it the look of a grave yeard mabye not. The rest of the map in my opinion is sloppy but I feel that this was done to give it the zombie feeling.
If there are any ideas for a V3 please tell me I will not promise to do one but I will think about it thank you for SOME of the replies anyway
Seems like a good concept, but it needs more interlocking, and clean stuff up a bit, its dirty and sloppy. 3/5.