
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jpec07, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    That is some amazing geomerging you've got going on at the bottom.

    However, the map lacks cover, or any other real structures.

  2. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    That was the other thing I was going to answer was the fact of cover (or lack thereof). Believe it or not, I had actually planned the map with some form of cover incorporated into the top level. It was my intent originally to put barriers on the end of the in-pointing juts on the top of the map, as they actually make sense in the context of the map's design, and would provide at least a decent point of cover for the map. However, the issue of budget came into play again, and I was forced to delete the barriers that had been there.

    Now, I realize that window panels could be used in their place, as they cost nothing to the budget and do a decent job of providing cover (arguably the same job: crouchable behind, able to be shot over, able to be seen out of), but in experimenting with placing them there, it just looked bad with the rest of the map--like an afterthought that didn't execute well.

    It was my decision in the end to do without the cover, as cover enables camping to some extent, and camping is expensive to do away with. Granted, the lack of cover also means that once your shield are down you're essentially screwed, but that's why I included the bit about dropping down to the next level in the map. If you're clever about it, you can evade fire using the levels of the map as natural cover, even to the point of getting your shields to recharge.
  3. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    This does look well made but the no weapons thing is a let down for me but i could see this being potentially a really good shottys or swords map with oddball or somthing it looks awesome way to go
  4. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I have played this map and I can honestly say this is one of the best maps that I will ever play. It doesn't look like theres much cover from the pictures but I found my self with kill frenzies, so yea, theres enough cover. The out side loop kinda has a star effect too so you can take cover. I still get pissed at those spinning soccer balls Jpec. Lol.

    Zachary9990:Yay! Triple kill
    *Half Second L8ter*
    Soccer ball kills me

    Good job Jpec07. You make better maps than me

    ALSO I Would Like to Point Out I'm the Guy in the Chase Picture (THE Chasee noted the chased)
    Sorry Jpec had to honk my own horn..lol
    #24 Zachary9990, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
    Jpec07 likes this.
  5. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Looks like a great MLG or battle riffle battle map. If i had room I would download, but I will give it a good rating. Keep it up.
  6. youngian

    youngian Guest

    wow! i think i can safely say that this map has the best interlocking i have ever seen.
  7. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    wow forgotten, looks like ur going to get featured. probably. but how would i know? anyways, great map, definitely worth playing on, etc. however, if u do play fish out of h2o, i suggest changing the settings so u have a shotgun, as this map makes for constant close combat and little else. but no matter what u do to it, definitely worth playing. 5/5.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  8. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    OMFGBBQ!!! How the heck did you merge all those boxes so perfectly!?! Instant download!
  9. Soup & More

    Soup & More Ancient
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    A v2 with unlimited-budget glitch might snag a feature in the long-run, but regardless this looks amazing. I'll DL after I clear out my hard drive a little bit.
  10. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I'm just going to post what I gave JPec as feedback on his map test thread, as I think it is a well-thought-out response. I'm not exactly sure how to quote myself, though, so here goes (with some minor editing from the original post-)

    Posted by EZappa:

    I'm pretty sure that this isn't a necrobump (last post was 1 week ago,) but if it is, sorry about that. My comments on gameplay and the map- the map itself is forged fantastically. Everything looks neat and professional. The soccer ball circle around the map's base is creative and original as well.

    As for gameplay, I think it is somewhat deterred by the fact that you are constantly having your shields lowered. The map is very small, so if you stay in the soccer ball ring, the soccer balls lower your shields, and if you venture into the main arena, it is impossible to stay up there for more than 5 seconds without getting shot at- even if you were playing 1v1. I would suggest laying down some symmetrical cover around the arena part of the map- perhaps some barriers would do the trick? Anything to give you a brief break from being shot.

    All things accounted for, the gameplay is fast-paced and exciting, and I think that the BRs work well. As an alternative, maybe you could give everyone needlers and 2X shields? That would be explosive. And pink. And shiny. Anyway, good luck perfecting the map! =D
  11. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    This looks like a ok map but i dont know how the spawning would work very well without you being wayy too close to the other players.
  12. mauserman

    mauserman Ancient
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    i love how it looks but dont you think ita a bit small though and needs cover but other than that great interlocking
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I love the idea! KOTH in a very well done arena. Your interlocking is simply amazing. This looks like a very very fun map to play with your friends. The middle part is also very unique and amazing. Good job 10/10 for originality and 9.5/10 overall.

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