I love this game. the veteran was a little too easy though, except the last mission, which I have yet to accomplish but I did the campaign pretty quick, so they should have a legendary-veteran mode.
Hit-The-Lights: if you prestige once, you're going to have to do it again after that because the first prestige symbol you get is super gay looking. If you are already pretty far toward getting golden guns, or have any of the rare, harder to get challenges completed, I would say no to prestige. I am on my third playthru, and i am not doing it again. I want a golden AK.
I may eventually do it once, but I'm probably going to want to just enjoy having everything for a while. I just hit 43 yesterday, haven't had a chance to even use the deagle yet.
Legendary-veteran mode!?!? What would that be like, enemy's can get instant kills from 10 miles away with a pistol while in last-stand? That's why i like the Halo 3 SP better, the enemys don't acquire better reflexes and do more damage than before with the same gun.
I wish that the enemy couldn't see you even if your around the corner or hiding in a bush....They always know where you are which is a pain in the ass. Like that level when your trying to find al ashad with all the houses....You can sneak up on anyone they always know where you are even though its pitch black and they don't have night vision....I hate it!!!
I recently have been victim to a controller mod cheater in this game... here are some videos of the effects the modded controller has.... [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRBTB9kDcIc[/youtube] it was extremely annoying... i think i want to report him to xbox but im not sure if it will make any difference... maybe if we can get everyone on FH to report him lol... his gt was Deathcaddy
I agree with everything you have said here lol. Great game, great multiplayer, woohoo for unlockable perks, but incredibly difficult parts on veteran. but overal a 9.9 outta 10 in my book. And about that rapid fire mod controller man that sucks, its a sad day when poeple get so lazy that they cannot pull a trigger fast enough that they have to cheat so that it does fire as fast as possible. Thats pretty low i must say.
yeah its kinda like the undetectable equivilant of modding on halo 2, i gotta say its pretty sad when someone needs to cheat to play well.
this is one of the best games i have played in a LONG time. deffinately worth the money. campaign is amazing but some parts are rediculous on veteran. mutiplayer is amazing and very addictive. haha.
Yeah I'm at like 46 atm prestigeless... Doin it 4-5 times. Ask insane, I level up like no other lol. SnD ftw. If you can get kills that is. I usually switch between Domination, SnD, Ground War, FFA, Tdm, Hcore SnD, Hcore TDM, and Cage Match.
Im on my 4th time through now, and , lol, im going to see how long it takes to exp boost all the way thru this level lol
Well... I played the beta like MAD, but for some reason i just havent really played it online with the game, was too interested in halo 3.
Haha yeah Cage Match boosting... xD. Anyways, yeah my friend has a modded controller and it sucks. Too much recoil. Bump because Titmar loves this thread.
i havent bought this game as of yet.. i plan on renting it first. i keep hearing how much better it is than halo 3 im skeptical :squirrel_wtf: