just wanted to say hi first and that im new. my gamer tag is monoxide89 if anybody wants to come and hang for while. well here is my first "serious" map so please dont flame me to bad. thx so this is a remake of beaver creek sept without the bottom part of the base cuz i could find a way to do it and still make it look half way decent. the weapon placements are the same as H2 the over all layout is the same oas H2 os if you are looking for a good re-make of beaver this is the best your going to get. Here are some pics of it and i hope you enjoy. if you DL PLEASE recommend to a friend. thx and see you on live RED BASE ROCKETS SNIPER and OVERSHIELD YELLOW / BLUE BASE LINK forgot.... ALL GAME TYPES ARE SUPPORTED! Thanks and PLEASE DL and rate.
Re: -Bloody Creek- Remake of beaver creek with a twist. I'll check er out. This definitely looks better than the other one i saw a while back.
Nice map, and good post. I would recamend not making another reamake (there's a lot here) but nice job, I always liked beaver creek
thx man i just give it my all and try to give it the best layout for game play thats why i tested it for like 9 hours fixing all the little bugs and spots to get out of maps. not to mention that fixed all the weapon placements to match the halo 2 beaver creek so that it is fair.
Looks pretty good, for a remake. The roofs of the bases could have easily been replicated though, because there not the same being flat. Good job though.
just wondering if anybody els wanted to dl this? i was suprised that i only got 40 and the crappy remake that didnt even deserve a dl got like 200. im not trying to be an ass about it but the wole thing was not even layed out right rocket and snipe was on the same thing and the bases were just mush. kinda disapointed that i spent all that time and not that many people DL it.
Eh it looks alright I guess, but it could look better. Take a look at how good Shock Theta's remake of Foundation is... then go back and redo this map. It looks like you could have spent more time.
More time? i spent well over 9 hours putting this togeather... you can only do so much with a limit. not to mention that its not supsoed to be EXACTLY alike. Hints the name Bloody creek not BEAVER CREEK.
Hey man, going to check this map out. However judging from the screens and comments made already it does look like a little more time polishing the map would make it look a lot better. I know 9 hours may seem like a lot, but speaking just about myself I've put closer to 30 hours into one of my maps, trying to get spawns right, layouts, getting objects lined up etc. Ok, I understand, given that the map is a remake, the map would take a little less time to make as a layout is already laid out to you. But spend a little more time putting the finishing touches on it and I'm sure you'll have something everyone will enjoy!
It looks pretty decent, but remakes are not my cup of tea so I don't think I'm gonna download. But I suggest putting a line break between those screenshots so it's easier to tell the difference between them.
i think its the best remake out ther, but i couldnt see the tunnels that are suppose to be under each of the bases. the roofs need fixing but still its the best remake out ther.
Don't get so offensive to your criticism! Plus titmar is right, and was actually being really nice about it... You could have spent more time on this! Nothing is interlocked, and a lot of door's, boxes, and walls are crooked. I have absolutely no ideal how it plays, this is just my opinion on how it looks... And it is a remake, if it is not a remake then don't put it in the remake section!
Its a great remake, looks very accurate, its just the only thing that makes me think this level cant be a good remake is the big rocks in the middle, I always loved climbing up those things, i saw the bridges to climb (thats as close as it gets) but it just doesnt satisfy me, Anyways, ill DL, it looks great.