Havoc Heights

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Speed-e-cake, Aug 12, 2008.


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  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Havoc Heights
    Created by Speed e cake

    Supported Gametypes:
    Since this map is a one - sided asymmetric map it plays best one bomb, flag and infection (6-8 players recommended) but the way I made the spawns are if you play a symmetric gametype (like Team Slayer, Team Hill or Team Oddball) the teams spawn across from each other instead of one team spawns at the hill top and immediately jumps on the turret and kills everyone (it's recommended to play one flag or one bomb on since it's alot better however).

    Map Description
    As stated in supported gametypes this map is one - sided asymmetric much like my previous map Apartment being the attackers spawn in a back area with close range weapons and the defenders have medium to long range weapons in their base. Havoc Heights is different from apartment and some other asymmetric maps because the map has you racing up a hill that is about 4 walls long. The attackers have a small base that has the flag return point/bomb spawn along with Active Camo and Spike grenades. The base also has a teleporter that leads out in front of the base by a hidden sender node much like in one of my all time favorite maps, Sapphire. The attackers also get two "safe zones" protected by shield doors so Defenders can't spawn camp or spawn kill with the turret. The defenders base is made up with fence walls to give the base an intentional un - finished fell towards it. The base is equipped with a turret, sniper needler two BRs and a pair of frag and spike grenades. The turret and some standing on the sniper perch are easy to take down if you throw a grenade towards the flag spawn/bomb plant zone on account of a pair of hidden fusion coils. Between the two bases is a hill that the attackers must climb to reach the top created by placing walls on staircases. As the hill gets closer to the defenders base the there isn't as much cover, to compensate the attackers can pick up a bubble shield located near the bottom of the hill.


    An overview of defenders base.

    Another overview of defenders base.

    A closer looks at the sniper perch.

    Hill overview.

    Attackers base and one of the two symmetric "safe zones".

    Another overview of attackers base (Where I'm standing is where the Tele in the next pick leads).

    Inside attackers base.

    Close up to the "safe zone".

    A overview and action shot in one!

    Battle for the flag.

    Brute shot ftw.

    Camo + Sword + Bubble used effectively.

    Power drain can be more of a burden then a blessing...

    ... unless used properly!

    The turret some times hits grenades being thrown upwards and explode in mid air.


    Thank you to REDSHADOW1337, Darkmaster949, Josh and Sasran for play testing and to all who like my previous maps. Hopefully this isn't a let down.

    Download Havoc Heights
    #1 Speed-e-cake, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  2. Brain Hacker

    Brain Hacker Ancient
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    heyy sppeedy i absolutly love! ur maps all of them i love your map designs and this is no ecexption its looks fenominal looks WOW! great map 5/5
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wooh another one of your maps i like your ones they own any way this is a really nice map well forged
  4. xI F0X H0UND Ix

    xI F0X H0UND Ix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, excellent map. Looks very well forged and thought out. 5/5
  5. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Looks like bunker hill. In a good way. Nice job. 5/5.
  6. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    This is fantastic! It completely changes the usual Foundry look and gives it a whole new perspective. Great job it's very creative and has a terrific, unique design.

    By the way that sword bubble guy pic is sweet it looks like he's materializing.
  7. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Looks great. I love playing rush the hill, kind of games. It really looks nice, but If you have any more double walls you could make it better than just a straight slope line. Other than that, I have nothing really to complain about. Actually I have none, just suggestions.


    I can't wait to play assault on this...
  8. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    that looks prtty intense maybe more turrets and u could make this a ww2 map like take hill 192 that would be cool, good job
  9. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    i love those kinds of maps that are run up the hill good job and you also made the bases look good too thats an achievment for you
    "bleep bloop"
  10. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    If I added more turrets, I would have to add more cover because the single turret can be overpowering if the attackers don't know how to take it down quickly and effectively.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Map looks good, the hill looks pretty cool, Im sure this map would be good with swat. Good Job
  12. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    Speed e cake really likes making one sided map variants and he's really good at making them to, so it comes to no surprise when another one comes up and is great. Out of all his maps this one is probably his best in aethetics. I also look forward to his new avalanch map that he is building as i type at my house lol.

    Psst. Also i'm the guy with the sword invisible by the bubble shield about to kill Speed e cake on the turret lol. Just thought of putting that in there.
  13. drak

    drak Ancient
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    very nice layout dude!!! 5/5 damned 100 custom limit though
  14. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    hey thanks for giving me credit for play testing :mad:
    anyway its ok my concern is that for teamslayer the 2 teams spawn at the bottom and its gonna be really hectic at the beginning of the match and i noticed just a couple walls a tiny bit sloppy but thats just me being picky
  15. x Dropkicked x

    x Dropkicked x Ancient
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    I personally just like the fact it's a unique map design. I mean, its far off the standard flat surfaced arena maps =]
  16. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Happy? u can haz credits. And for team slayer you should spawn in the "safe rooms". That's what happened when I loaded the game up with a bunch of guests since I didn't have enough people to play at the time.

    Also I forgot to point out that this is my first map with geomerging, not much, but it's present (walls and doors by the sword).
  17. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    if thats your way of giving me some credit then thank you and when i say that the teams shouldnt both spawn in the 2 safe rooms i mean that this isnt a map for symnetrical games. personally i only thought it was good with 1 flag and 1 bomb + infection
  18. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Ya it reminded me of Bunker Hill as well, that is awesome. This map looks very fun for the defenders because of the weapons they have and the attackers seem to have a challenging time getting on the top of the kill but their still is cover, so it makes the game a bit tactical and they key to get up is to use team work. Nice map! 5/5!
  19. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
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    I agree Pepper this would make an awsome WW2 map, but i look the best for infection

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