Tremor Valley Map created by TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, aNitrous, and Trickmyster Tremors was designed after the classic Tremors gametype from Halo 2 that many of us have come to enjoy. Well we have managed to create the gametype along with a map which can be played without the use of the honor system. In order to play load the gametype and map up in the lobby. Have one to two people only on red ream and the rest must be on blue team. The red team is the tremors and the blue team is the humans. The game is setup so players can't do damage but splatters do work. The tremors spawn by a pair of choppers (if there is only one tremor playing the second chopper will detonate at 30 seconds in) which they must take and race around the map splattering those pesky humans. Remember that only splattering does any damage so you need to catch those humans off guard to kill them before stealing your flag. If you're playing as a human your objective is cross the valley without getting splattered by the tremors. You must use a combination of closely timed acrobatics, patience, teamwork, and use of boxes/rocks. As you cross the valley jump on the various boxes (the boxes are immovable so the tremors can ram them and humans will be safe) and rocks scattered throughout the map. At times you may need the assistance of your teammates to make a clean run to or back with the flag. Tremors win the game by splattering all the humans before they score the flag or if the time limit reaches zero. The humans win by stealing the flag and making their way back to the base alive while avoiding the tremors. Enjoy the redux of Halo 2's Tremors! The Human Spawn The Tremor Spawn A Safe Refuge A Tremor Claims Another Victim Uh... Now what? Download Tremors Valley Download Tremors Variant
Ha this brings back memories....Had a lot of fun playing this last night... Ha sweet...front page picture of me!
i too have the same question as kenny, what about the traditional ghost? not work as well as the choppers?
Nice, I was trying to do the same thing but using a Mongoose with 10% HP and 300% damage bonus with no guns on, but the Mongoose still wouldn't kill them.
i played it tonight being one one of the choppers and it was very difficult to run anyone over. it was fun the 2nd time through after i was a little more used to it. lots of fun though
The ghosts can climb up boxes and get stuck on them while Choppers can't climb boxes and don't get stuck if they go off a jump.
I don't know why you had to release yours early just because I was making one, but their are some big differences. The main difference is that mine completely eliminates honor rules, while yours still has some in it. In my Tremors, it is completely impossible for the humans to hijack or take the tremors vehicles. I have ghosts working, which gives the tremors more of a chance. My tremors is played with three rounds with automatically a random two tremors each round. My scenery also looks different then yours. My point system also makes it a little more competitive. I don't mean to advertise in your thread, but I can't feature my map, and won't have time to post it until tonight. I tried to contact you about looking to see if we could sort of combine our ideas to make one better map, but it didn't work out, so I'll be posting up my tremors tonight, completely honor rule free and easier to play as a tremor (humans can still win pretty easily though), also changing the tremors over three rounds makes it work a little better I think.
It's not tremors if it isn't CTF... If you made it infection in order to make amends it won't work as there is no objective...
Fixing the Blue team being able to board is actually quite an easy fix. I'll PM you if you're intrested True. Not that it makes much of a difference either way.
We have been playing this and Cat N' Mouse nonstop. Trust me this is one I highly recommend, unlike Urban Apartment (never touch it, you might get chorea).