i dont really get switches and how they work. im trying to get good at making them but i dont get the whole run time max run time min buisness
Looks pretty. and yeah this has been done 100 times before i think. idk about both ways, but it has been done before...
Why dont you download the map and see =] The gate looks great! Im glad it can be open/closed for as long as you want .. Great job! =]
Uhmm its almost that it can stay opened and closed for as long as it can. It can stay open as long as you want it 2 but if you have it closed it will only stay 180 seconds and then a gravlift will spawn. but if you pick up the b again it will reclose and then you have anoth 180 seconds
Seen it before and done it before... Also if yo like the dumpster as it should and have the wall above it when the Dumpster goes up a Warthog is capable of getting through, you can repace the dumpster with a crate aswell.
Looking at the picture it seems that there are two gates on either side of a room. If not, then you should do that because it would make an awesome jail.
This is a great idea. You should incorporate it into some kind of two-sided objective-based map. I would have one door right in front of each flag or one big door between the two bases.
I did something similar, but in order to get it to work, I have to make the initial grav-lift never respawn, which makes the second (not placed at start, picks up dumpsters) instantly respawns, so there's no way to close the gate. If I change anything, it doesn't work. I understand how the custom powerup thing works, but not how you can close the gate for more than .117 seconds.