de_dust2 Based on the Hit map from Counter Strike de_dust2 is a re-creation of the map "de_dust2" for the game "Counter strike." It was my personal favourite when i played the game. I had the supplys, so i said to myseld; "Why not make one for Halo 3?" So i did, and this is what it turned out to be. I almost ran out of supplys, i used all double boxes, all double box opens, all single boxes, 6 single box opens, all double walls, and all but 2 single walls. It was a tight fit! de_dust2 has Seven main parts, plus a smaller one. I will be reffering to the names that people call these places on Counter Strike: Source. T-Spawn, CT-Spawn, Mid, B Tunnels, B, Long A, Short A, and A. A and B are the bombsites. Long a was the longest, but easiest entrance to Bombsite A for the terrorists, or they could take Short A, which was faster, but a little bit more dangerous. There were many entrances to the B tunnels, One T, one from B, and one from Mid. Mid is generally a place people go to snipe and recon at the start of a round. Counter Strike is a game mode for this map i made, and it works quote well. It resembels the game quite a bit! Two teams (Terrorists (Attackers) and Counter Terrorists (Defenders)) Start of at each side of the map. The terrorists are given a bomb, and must pland it at Bombsite A or Bombsite B. Both bombsites are on each side of the Counter Terroists. The terrorists are given many entrances to each bombsite. The bomb takes 5 secons to pland and will blow up in 45 seconds. The bomb takes 10 seconds to defuse. There are 7 rounds, and everyone has only one life (Just like in Counter strike). Weapons Sniper rifle x2 BR x4 ARx2 Shotgunx1 Screenshots: T - Spawn + Mid CT-spawn B Tunnels Bombsite B (Extremely short) Long A Short A Bombsite A Original de_dust2 Action shots Download de_dust2 Download Counter-Strike Game Variant Please Download, THEN rate!
Wow, that is win. You even have the server name of the map. As for the map itself, it's well made, but some things could have been interlocked better. I give this a 4/5, because I love that map
not a bad looking map but not too original. Close enoughto the original map though to get a 5/5 because counterstrikes a really good game!
given the space and building constraints of forge and foundry, this is a very good remake. good job, i loved the map from CS 4/5
Ah yes de_dust. A CS classic. The general construction is fine, but I would suggest some interlocking and maybe geomerging if you feel so inclined too. I would suggest making a game variant that makes players have similar traits to players in CS.
really it doesn't seem like there is that much interlocking. one thing that is always nice is to flip over and interlock boxes that you will be walking on top of. also geomerging open boxes into the ground so there is no bump. just some suggestions
This map looks really cool! I personally don't think a great map needs interlocking but I'm sure you will get a lot of grief for not doing it. Still I think you did a great job and I will DL.
yes but there are other places where you did not do it. it's not that big of a deal, just a suggestion
a pretty good lookin map, looks like an awesome remake, intelrokcing will make this awesome-er. good job witht his one. 4/5
This is really cool. i tried to make cs_office a few weeks ago on avalanche but that was an epic fail on my part, so i think i might try to redo a small version on foundry. but your work looks solid you re-created it nicely good job
Awesome map dudddddeee. Looks like it would provide some unique gameplay which everyone is looking for these days. (its the "in" thing) Ive never actually sat down and played CS but that doesnt really matter the map still looks in top shape! 4/5
This is a great recreation of the original. Its my favorite CS map, and considering the restrictions Foundry has, it is an exceptional map. 5/5.
Your Counter-Strike game variant is broken. My brother and I tried to load it up, but it wouldn't start. I think something is wrong with your spawn points.
4/5 judging by the screens gameplay will be very nice on this map. Interlock everything and i'll give it 5/5. ^^
You need to have at least 1 person on each team for the bomb to appear. It also has team slayer if it still doesn't work.
this is accually really good, nice job but i think more interlocking is in order, looks kinda sloppy to.