Download it Here There are two levels, one is a tunnel where you spawn leading up to the second level, a medium to small arena built for close range fights. The spawning positions ensure a well balanced game with spawn killers quickly getting axed. There are 4 small runways off the central arena that allow players to strategically hide being the tunnel opening. A fast paced map great for slayer, however it is also set up for Capture the Flag, Territories, Infection, and King of the Hill. An update will be made soon for Paintball, Oddball, and VIP. The new and innovative design allows players to get right into the action without being spawned in the middle of it. I felt that adding weapons would subtract from the map, as every game type would require different sets, and it would look too messy. I suggest playing with a spawn weapon, the map is so that every weapon garentees a different game. In the next update i will add a few weapons with finesse for those who will work for them. Happy games, and may the best man win. Sceenshots The Spawns The Arena Some shots of the game STOP Hammertime I never made it to Killtacular Two birds with one stone And my other maps Here and Here
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
You are almost there man. You already have it linked to photobucket, now just embed the pictures. Use these codes: Code: [img][/img] Code: [img][/img] Code: [img][/img] I like the idea of the spawn system in this arena, but I don't really like the idea of spawning with one or two weapons and having no variety. Everyone running around with the same weapon doesn't intrigue me.
Eh, this looks very tiny, how many does it support? It looks sketchy to me, and it looks like a king map to me.
I stated in the first post that it was set up for a multitude of game types, and that you should play it with whatever weapons you want, so yes you could have chaos with an AR. But mainly what I wanted to do was separate people from the action when they spawned in such a way that it was quick to get in, but safe until you did. Also I would upload a game type but I have a limited file share space and the game types are noting special, just your run of the will KOTH, infection, territories etc. with a few tweaks that are not necessary just fun, and people can do them them selfs if they feel the need.
It supports 4-16, if you really wanted you could do 2 but that would be a mite boring. 8 is really the optimal number, unless you are playing normal slayer in which case 8 in the cap. However for team games you can go up to the aforementioned 16. As i stated it is set up for KOTH and other game types. Also i plan to revamp it with another level below in future update.
It looks so small though...How can it fit 16 people? It would be crazy. Everytime you shoot at someone you would die from others instantly.
This looks more interesting than your other map. I think it would work well for Fight Club types of matches, or for KotH. It looks way too small for CTF though. Is there more to the map you aren't showing us? I would rather seen wider angles of the map, than fusion cores exploding...
You say it supports 4-16 players, but I agree that it looks cramped for more than 8 people. Maybe even then. However, since I don't see any pictures with even a single player in the pic I have to assume that you have not tested this map. If the map is set up with no weapons for you to play games with different weapons, where are the pictures? Did you play a swords match? A hammer match? A shotgun match? A laser match? Rockets?
I updated my post after seeing that in the OP. It is a no go right now because i like maps that have something in mind when made not one weapon anything works. Until you post or establish a gametype it shows you haven't tested.
The problem with wide shots is that its put high up at the level cap, o prevent people from jumping out, and i cannot get the camera ver high, but give me a little and ill get a larger veiw. Alright I'll get some pics with action up. As soon as i can arange another game. Which is rather hard because not everyone has foundry. As i stated There is no point in a game type, but ill get some screen shots with the game in motion as i stated above.
I am not saying you need to post one but tell us something you have in mind for playing this map. Combat pictures would be nice, but what is this best for? Slayer, CTF, King of the Hill, Territories, etc. When you have a works-for-all mentality, it makes me think you have not tested it much to see which one or two gametypes work best with which default gun set up, and it makes me think you made this map with nothing in mind. Maps that are based off of an idea tend to turn out much better because every object you have, has a purpose. I hope you don't think I am being to hard on you; I am just trying to help your map become better. Once you get up action screenshots it will be a lot better, and hopefully you catch my drift on have a main gametype in mind when you post a map. If you set it up for King of the Hill with lasers, snipers, swords, or whatever it will intrigue more people and show you have the map down to a T through testing.
Added Shots of the game for all of you. Ive gotten good review in the tests I did, no one disliked it. So now its ready,
This looks like a ton of fun for KotH Hammers. Even though I'm not too good with the hammer I'd love to play this and see how it turns out. Good work.