I ordered "Lost Planet" extreme condition off amazon and it should arrive today. Is it any good? I have heard its good, but i wanna hear it from more people. Rock on! :squirrel_rocking:
Um...I played it for a little and it was pretty fun. Playing with the mech is awesome. I have it sitting around my house right now because I borrowed it from a friend but currently I am beating Half-Life 2 on the orange box so I have to wait.
I've heard its a great game if you're looking for a mix between a shooter/sci fi. I played the online demo and it was pretty fun. Seems like it will be worth your money.
Man you're in for a treat. I saw Lost Planet in the 2006 E3 stuff n I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for it till it came out last January. I never thought a game would get me un-addicted to chromehounds, but LP sure did. The only thing that got me un-addicted to that game was Halo 3 actually. I can't wait for a sequel, which if Capcom's smart they will pump one out after the sales on the first one. And the crossover to the PC and soon the PS3.
yeh this was a really good game, better multiplayer than HALO, RSV, COD3, Gear Of War..... I loved and the other week I just unlocked lvl. 57....
Thanks Protofury, thats some good input! If any of you guys have it, before the TGIF starts, i can play with anyone. Rock on! :squirrel_rocking:
It's fun but it gets hard on the last few levels. I love the last level though because then you use an awesome mech.
its an okay game. playing the one player campaign is fun but trying to collect extra things on it is hell and the storyline is rubbish so try to ignore that. Mutiplayer is very fun especially if you get a mech but dont expect to live very long its very easy to die and getting youre level up is slow and painful to watch.
The reasons I had for not getting it or even renting it were because I found the game funny in many things it did. First would be.. well, who am I? Where am I? Father?!?! Second would be that you play as Gnomes, yes, gnomes online. My reasons may be stupid, but so are many elements of the game.