wtf? dude, ive been waiting so long for ranked BTB. HOO-RAH! To matchmaking i go! (yea, omg, im a forge guy who likes MM too. sue me)
I didn't know they where doing a playlist update ...... oh well, that's cool I guess, 7 teamates to hear screaming instead of 3 ...
I personally don't care for Ranked Big Team Battle. People still need achievements, like me. I'm probally not going to try it, because I will be wasting precious hours of my life to get achievements.
yeah i love btb games, hopefully i can get into a game quick enough and not have 7 temaates screaming like retards in my ear.
Yes. Finally some competitive BTB. I'm tired of ending up with 4 screen-lookers (guests) on my team every time.
Looks sorta cool. I only play BTB with guests or after the TGIF though, so it doesn't really affect me. It's weird, Bungie never mentioned anything about a hopper update.
OK, i have come to report back - firstly, people dont scream; they take it seriously. Noone TKs (team kills) on purpose either. Like, hardly anyone quits and the games are just so serious and everyone takes it that way and plays the game correctly. Its so much fun i cant even put it into words i love it so much. But, im a forger who also loves MM.
... And folks, that is what the mute feature was invented for. I am pretty excited for this because I love BTB. Does anyone know what else was included in the playlist update?
Yes... it solves the problem of never having any ranked CTF games... but now we need some good CTF maps... valhallas terrible and we all know it... Sandtraps too big, high ground is one sided, Last Resort is good but also kind of one sided, and that leaves Narrows Standoff Rat's Nest and the Pit, none are very vehicley besides Rat's Nest though. Yes im that much of a map critic :squirrel_wtf: Pray to god that the new maps are good unlike 3/4 of the current maps... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
It's live...and it sucks... The Matchmaking system is acting like it did when the game first came out...except worse because now people have ranks and it'd totally ignoring them. Almost as if Bungie added programming to totally ignore ranks during the first few days, in order to "gather information" so after enough people have played it, it will function properly. Everyone sucks, and it keeps putting me on teams with the biggest retards against high ranking people. Yeah, I'm not a general, so sue me. I'm sick of losing. I can't get above Rank 3 because I keep losing games. Not my fault. These aren't the Bungie forums, I don't complain about others sucking to make up for my own faults. They really did suck. I had a friend say the same thing. Multiple times we were each capable of getting MVP in the games. It has issues. They'll be worked out, but I really don't want to play the playlist while the bugs in MM are being ironed out. I get dropped from matches, the MM system just can't make up it's mind. Terrible. Craptacular.