Foundry Basketball From Aurora Gaming Map Description: It's pretty much self-describing. A basketball court, on Foundry. There are two main mancannons in the middle of the map, each one pointing to the other teams goal, and then four in each corner, so that to ball goes back to the middle to continue play. General Rules: This is meant to be a Forge Map, but if you want to play in a custom game, go by the honor system. If someone cheats, kick em. When a team scores, the other team takes the ball out, meaning you leave the ball where it lands after being scored. Screenshots: A Lonely Spartan Scores Red Side Blue Side Download Links: Game Variant Map Variant
There is. Read the captions of the pictures, I know both sides look very similar, but you can tell the difference by whats on the walls and the lift thing holding the wall piece.
It looks really fun to play with a lot of people. Only one problem...I tried downloading the map and it would not load on Safari and then I tried FireFox and it brought up a Wikipedia page about what HTTP is or something like that. Make sure the links work so I can Q it up! Thanks.
"We tried a quick Basketball variation as well - turning the "Fence Box" on it's back so it made a big square bucket and then placing Mancannons on the perimeter to take shots." They used a different goal though. Yours is probably an independent 'copy', like the wheel lock pistol being invented both in Germany and Italy
I have seen a lot of foundry basketball variants and grifball variants this map was really fun and unique
nice it looks quite good i was thinking of making his but slightly differnet withgrav lifts bombs and shield doors. 4/5-You could improve the scenary just to make it more decorative. Try using bombs instead of balls so you could do it as a custom games and the bomb kills you to.