Ameboid Flag Created by Adelyss Where to start... Ameboid is a another new great Halo sport, it is not sad like other failed attempts at a Halo sport game, no Ameboid is a well thought out no honor rule sport game. I have created Ameboid to show members of Forge Hub that there is more to Mini-games than zombie mashing infection types. Gameplay Footage Download Ameboid Court Download Ameboid Flag You MUST download both to be able to play properly. How the Game works 1. Two teams are on opposite sides of the court. 2. Opponents Flag spawns in front of them. 3. Players start with a Shotgun that deal 75% Damage, and have 150% Health. Shields are turned off as well as radar to ensure you use strategy. Players speed is also turned down to 75% to allow players to move around the court more before getting shot. 4. Flag Carrier turns white and moves at a speed of 90% to enable movement around your teammates. 5. There are 5 rounds that consist of 3 minute turns. 6. Flag settings are as followed, No return time, and Flag reset time 30 seconds to give you time to get down the court and pick up your flag once again. 7. Respawn time is 5 seconds to help you be able to stop the flag carrier before he jumps up into the score area. How the Scoring Works 1. Each team much activate their "Switch" before being able to enter the chute. 2. There are markers telling you which Custom Power up to grab. (If you are running to Side A, you must grab the Side A's custom power up. If you are running to Side B, you must grab the Side B's custom power up. If you don't grab the right one you will not be able to get into the chute to score) 3.Lying underneath the single boxes in front of the chute are three sender nodes, which when you walk over before activating the switch you are warped facing towards the opposite end of the court. Now that you know how to activate it ill tell you how it works. 1. When you grab the Custom Power up you make a fusion coil drop into a Cannon-Man which in turn gets thrown into a wall blowing up a turret. 2. When this turret is blown up it force spawns another turret (Using the Simple Max/Min switch) on top of the receiver node which is hidden underneath the court's floor. 3. Now that the turret is blocking the receiver node the once before unreachable chute is now accessible. 4. You now must walk under the window panels (To Ensure you are not able to crouch jump over the sender nodes) and jump up onto the crate then jump again up onto the scoring platform. Finally walk over the flag plant zone and you scored. Strategy All of the teammates in Ameboid Flag are important, you must all work together for you to be able to win the game. Stick to these roles and you will controll the court and forsure win. Carrier- The Carrier is a very important role, they must keep moving the flag forward while being able to drop the flag quick and kill the charging opponents. If the Carrier does die it his responsibility when he respawn to move down the Court and "Touch the Flag" or pick it up quick before it resets. Safekeeper- The Safekeeper's job is to stick to the Carriers side and help him kill of any opponents that are approaching. Defender- The Defender's job is to stay back on your side of the Court and stop the other teams members that have broke through your line of defence. If all other members die it is his responsibility to hold off your shoot until your other members respawn. Gorilla- The Gorilla's job is to free roam ahead of the Carrier and Safekeeper and clear a path for them, and also help on defence if the opposite team starts to break through. Terms You Should Know Assault- An assault happen when the enemy's flag is on there side of the court and you have got your flag across the middle line. It is encouraged to push as much as you can when you are in this type of play. Breakthrough- A Breakthrough happens when your flag is on your side of the court and the enemy's flag is across the middle line. It is a safe bet that you should turtle up and kill off the Assaulting team, when you have cleared them out and they are respawning it is a good idea to grab your flag and move it as much as you can. Draw- A Draw happens when your flag is across the middle line of the court and your enemy's flag is on your side of the court Right now you should set up with the roles above and try to "Touch your Flag" so it doesn't reset. Chute- The chute is the area above the crate after you have activated your switch. If they are in the chute, shoot at their feet and you should be able to stop them. Pictures Looking down the Court towards Blue Team. A side of the Court and A side switch activating area. B side of the Court and A side switch activating area. B side chute, you are only able to get into this shoot if you first grab the B side Custom Power up. Grabbing the Custom Power up making it able to go into the chute for Red Team. Red Team and Blue Team are at a Draw. ( Reds flag is on Blue's side, and Blues flag is on Red's side) Red team is on a Breakthrough. (Red's flag is on their side, and Blue's flag is on Red side of the court.) Blue team is on a Breakthough. (Blue's flag is on their side, and Red's flag is on Blue side of the court.) Finally after all the hard work you are able to score, Go Red team. (Yes is red because they can only pick up the blue flag) Thank you for taking the time to read my big wall of text. Please download, rate, and comment on what you think of this new Halo sport. Creator of Ameboid- Adelyss
Wow, this looks great, and fun. Hahaha, at first I thought it was a map where one team tries to get as many captures before the time runs up for the round and the other team uses the switches as their ammunition. This seems to be just as good though, if not better. I love the fact that you used switches in the first place. The interlocking also looks very nice. I'll come back with a review later.
this truly isnt that origional this is tnt polo mixed with grifbal and ctf even the whole switch scoring system is from tnt polo
Ummm, wow. Too much to read for me. Can you make summarize it for me please? Rather than that, the pics are great. I was offended when you said there are only infection games in the mini-game section. Have you ever played a good quality puzzle before? They are fun! Look at my signature for some good puzzle maps, the best of its genre.
Alright guys, calm down. I would take alot of offense if I worked really hard on a map and then say I copied it. For all we know he could've been working on this for the longest time. It doesn't really matter anyways unless he actually stole it. Stole it, as in the map actually. :S
you should change the power ups to red (oversheilds) and blue (camo) so the people know which to pick up. also you did a good job its made nicely and the idea is nice good job 4/5
Lol, the scoreing system exactly like TNT Polo? Umm think again, i only used the basic Max/Min Switch that he happened to also use. I dont push a Fusion Coil into a Hole to score. you just simply use the Basic Max/Min Switch that every advanced forger knows to block a reciever node. So you can jump up a CRATE and jump again to the scoreing platform. Also gamer Buddy, i guess um i was using an example i know theres other types of mini-games but most are just zombie games. Also for all that want to say i copied TNT Polo um no, i was inspired to make a NEW! sport game after seeing TDF's Polo. This is nothing LIKE TNT Polo so dont start a flame war over this, grow up i didnt copy any part of his map so its not like it. Unless your going to argue over you used the same turret blocking method. If you actually look through the forge list that is the only object that you can use to block two different reciever nodes by two different switchs. So grow up.
Hey, the map feels a lot like TNT Polo and Grifball and all of those types of games. It has it's small differences, mostly just random changes, but it's still nothing new. I'm sorry if you don't like that I guess, but that's just the way I feel. Nothing. New. BUT! Still fun to play, good game, good map, blah blah blah.
im saying you took the idea to involve a switch in the prossec of scoring in tnt polo you have to do switch in this you have to do the switch to im not a basic forger if thats what your implying, i was simply stating you took the idea
I can see your point on how it would feel like TNT Polo but no way in He11 that it is like Grif-Ball, i dont see a bomb anywhere on this map, do you? then no its not like grif-ball. Its nothing new i know but it is a TOTALLY different game than TNT Polo and Grif-Ball, also i was inspired to make a New sport game after seeing TNT Polo, but if people are going to keep saying that i stole the idea from it then No, because i didn't steal the idea i have no ideas that are the same in this map that Polo. No Fusion Coil, No hole, no Bomb, no Yellow and Red Sides, No ideas the same unless like i stated above before about the @Extreem, please tell me how you can steal the idea of a switch? Ever sence i made Profound (Map used in FNF with H3atificer and FH) I have been using switches in my maps, so tell me? A forger who doesnt use methods of forger that they learn in there new maps to get better? Thats how a forger GETs better. Also no i am not implying you are a basic forger.
As I said, it feels like Grif-Ball. It still has it's little differences. So one uses a bomb and one uses a flag, it's still somewhat the same idea and feel to the gametype. I'm not saying you stole anything from TNT, I'm just saying that what you did doesn't feel new in the slightest, now stop QQing because people disagree with you. Yeah, your map doesn't have the same little details, but it still feels very similar. You said yourself you say TNT Polo and wanted to make a new sports game, but I think that you were heavily influenced by TNT Polo.
not to open healing wounds but based on my memory the border looks almost to the exact same as TNT Polo but its a completely different idea
@Post....So now you think i took the map and just changed a few things? It you actualy DL the map and look at it, its not floating so that proves i made this thing from 100% scratch. @Sharpest.....Heavely influenced? I think TNT Polo was heavely Influenced by Grif-Ball as you know both are bomb, both start from opposite sides, and ladida. You cant make a valid arguement with what your saying. All im trying to do is defend my hard work from Flamers like you, all my newest creations and maps that take me 16+ hours because i actually care about my work get flamed, and im sick of it. You dont see people that pretty much steal a whole map get flamed as bad as me. Thats why im fed up with FH all the people are the same, everyone flames, short posts, or doesnt even DL the map. (Sorry for everyone that actualy cares about FH and writes reviews on Maps and takes the time to play them)
i didnt say you stole the idea of the switch im saying you stole the idea of having a switch an element in th scoring system if you would please read what i post instead of acting hoity toidy behins the prefrences of "defending your map" you wouldnt have started this argument
Grifball doesn't feel like TNT Polo. I'm not saying your map is bad, or that you stole the idea. I mean, are you actually reading what I'm saying? It just feels a lot like TNT Polo. I'm not flaming, I'm just giving you my honest opinion that this game you made doesn't feel new at all. I'm not flaming you at all. Do you get what I'm saying? You are taking this way too critically. It doesn't FEEL like anything new. It just FEELS a lot like TNT. I'm NOT SAYING YOU STOLE IT.
Damn, people! It's a good map. (I know, I've played it...) Although camping the scoring zones can be an issue, it's still fun. Interlocking's great, gameplay's good. Can't we just leave it at that?!?!