Icetop Highland Created by ER1C0 Racing on this well known highland is slippery, treacherous, and hard. Used by professionals only. Use with RACETRACKS. Preview: | Halo 3 Video | Video | Icetop Highland Runthrough Base: ___-.Avalanche Supported Gametypes: VIP Story: I wanted to make a map with an insane turn and that included alot of cool, original features Description: This is a very original map that includes: -and insane turn -a huge mancannon powered ramp -lots of merged turns -a large jump -is nearly all double wide -can't cheat -and more Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch . Overview 1 Overview 2 . Download Icetop Highland Download RACETRACKS
BACK: Wow, great post. It looks like Dr. Seus on crack and thats pretty impressive to se when he's already kooky. I rate this 5 stars, because of the fact I love spiraling curvatures, intense jump action, scary boost action and the list goes on and on. But what happens if you fall of the track, are you just screwed or what? Is it one lap or more? If not it'd suck to fall off, as posted above. BACK AGAIN: I just watched the video, it looks impressive but extremely bumpy and it looks pretty hard to maneuver. Noone post aobut it pics being broke. He's modifying a post, I'm not sure if its this one but look at his activity before posting. Its just premature guys, don't freak out. At least I think so. I'll be back... One more thing that goes with it, try not to rate the thread for it being broken or premature...
Looks well forged. Race maps are hard. Some parts look rough, but I've seen plenty of good racing maps w/ rough areas.
pictures are worth a thousand words video is priceless + rep for you everyone should use gamvee its so simple you can download and then edit add music etc. as well{but i don't think you can't embed} however you should still embed one overview pic as for the track i really like it great layout lots of angles and curves well laid out using a lot of space
Holy!!! That has got to be a really epic racetrack... It's got to be hard,great interlocking, but you could use with more pictures I don't see much with those pics
Sorry about that everybody, for some reason I started posting my other racing map, and I had some trouble with pictures... but I got it now, and you're welcome to rate and comment. Thanks, ER1C0
The map is very sloppy. There were tons of bumps and the upwards ramp with the man-cannons and watchtower bases was flawed. I guess it was made that way to be challenging, but maybe a little to much. You should try to find the balance between difficulty and quality.
Yeah, this racetrack was made to be fun, really... if you want another one of my racing maps that is both very playable and fun, then try this: The County Race
My friend and I just played your racetrack and we must say, it was garbage. GREAT ideas, really, but the execution left a lot to be desired. I don't mean to disrespect your map making skills, but this was by far the least fun race map I have ever played on. The beginning where you go around that huge corner and just fall was terrible. The long chute powered by man cannons was a cool idea, but not fun. The turns sucked, the whole thing was rough. Just...Blah.
lol, I don't mind comments like that... it helps me with future maps... but as I said before, this map was made to be fun... it's pretty fun if you're just fooling around and you want to see new ideas, but I guess it's just not as big a hit as I thought it'd be... also, I played it with some of my friends and they thought it was kind of cool... AND also, just remember, this is a 3 person map that I said was made for pros at racing... but thanks for the comment
im no professional at racetracks but this looks really cool. difficult maybe but if thats whats its made for a challenge then go ahead. this looks pretty original for an avalanche map good job
a little short and eh it doesn't look very smooth think you should interlocked the stuff a little bit better
This map looks extreme! It has everything I love in a race track- big jumps, steep hills, and good looks. I'm not sure how it'll actually play- but based on the comments, it seems that while it looks good, it plays horribly. We will see.
I downloaded it the other day. It's a great design 4/5. It is easy to fall off which is ok but is sometimes bad as well 3/5. Overall 3/5 because the man cannon ramp deal didn't work correctly every time. I kept getting stuck in it. But still, a good map that I'm sure you put quite a bit of work into.