only staff get featured?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by stin10, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    maybe its just me. but i've noticed that staff members are much more likely to get featured. more people pay attention to them and say that there map is good just cause thet are event staff or journalists or somthing. thats not to say that staff are bad forgers, a lot of them are good. i especially like MATTY's work. but there should be some way to have less known forgers display there work eaiser. opinions?
    ps a mod is probably gonna close this, casue they are gonna get mad.
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Well, you probably should have used the Search function here. The issues been brought up many times. In a way, it's really a matter of time and what we see. You see, there's no way that all of us can get to anywhere near all of the maps released. We download a few all the time, and play them, and ocassionally say 'Hey, this is a great map! Let's get it featured!' where we sometimes run into problems. Maybe its easily escapeable, maybe it's not set up for objective gametypes, whatever. With staff and loyals/prems, we often will help each other. For instance, TDHarding showed me his new map, but it needed some spawn and weapon balance work. After way too long of tweaking and screw ups, he releases Paragon. Which will probably be featured sometime in the future. But it applies to all kinds of maps in Staff, which is why you see so many Staff featured maps. We help each other out. Also, alot of us will test with other our maps before their released. This helps us perfect our maps, and helps the rest of the people see our map. So, yes, Staff maps do get featured more often than normal. But its not a conspiracy or anything. Hope this has helped ;)
  3. zombiphobia

    zombiphobia Ancient
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    wow that is quite a mouthful, but i guess you are used to that kind of thing
  4. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    yes very much.
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I don't agree... sure that we have a lot of featured maps but that's because they make good maps. We have a lot of featured maps made by different members of the community and it takes some time for your map to get noticed. But it is picked by playability and the looks of it. But it is not only staff that are picked they go through the same deal as regular community by getting picked.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Hey, thanks, I'll check those out :)

    In general, if you ever have a map you really like, feel free to PM or Visitor Message it to me. I'll try to check it out:happy:
  8. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Just letting you know. Premiums get first pick dibs at Staff. Which means the great map makers are usually in the Staff position. Think about that.
  9. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I mean the Journalist really don't make most of the maps, they just go around collecting the really good ones, and post them on ForgeHub giving credit to the actual creator.
    And about the Staff, well I mean they made the site, why shouldn't there maps be featured, most of the time they are really good one's. But I mean I really don't complain because if you really do have a good map, it is defiantly going to get featured...
  10. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    Ok. I pick Project X to be featured. Wait, why haven't you guys done this already?! :O
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Code impulse is now my favorite map I have ever downloaded. If you play it, you'll know what I mean. Every other comment is saying that it's going to be featured.
    #11 ZANDER1994, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  12. Kagemusha

    Kagemusha Ancient
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    Code Impulse for sure man. Hey... I can pick out a thousand of good maps. >_> You'll know they are good maps because I only play on good maps!
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    The only things you can do are:
    1. Make an extremely awesome map that is interlocked, geomerged, and is interesting
    2. Correctly post your map
    3. Make a link preferably as a picture in your signature
    4. Post in the review hub
    5. Be creative, do something else to advertise
    6. Make a video

    While these do not guarantee a feature they sure help.
  14. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    There have been some maps that have been created by users that are non-staff. I just searched and grabbed a few.


    • Interrobang
    • Aesthetic Map Pack 3
    • Jedwali
    • Hype
    Those are just a couple. So sometimes the staff can't pick every good map they see. Then they'd probably pick a lot more maps then they have to choose. Some maps are really good and deserve to be featured and have. But it's not just how a map looks like but how it also plays. So you also have to keep that in mind.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    The staff and loyals/prems see all maps posted here. Do not turn this into a nominating thread.

    @ the OP, I think you saw the featured maps section, and all the names under the maps and assumed that those were the creators, when in reality those are just the staff members who posted the thread on the front page. Also, many of the featured maps are by Premium members because that was the map that actually made them a premium member. In other words, in most cases, they werent premium members before the map got posted, due to the premium requirement of having 2 featured maps.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up.

    There are currently about 115,629 maps in the Forge Hub section. You can expect that not everyone's map is going to be featured. And also, your qualm is pretty trivial and not very researched. In fact, there are many maps that are made by non-staffers. However, it's always easiest to notice a map made by someone prominent than by someone with a normal gray status. Additionally, since if you get 2 maps featured you become Premium, you're more likely to notice Premium maps. Finally, you can and should expect that people that are known to make good maps are going to make even more good maps.
    This is a very old and tiresome argument/accusation made against the staff, and the answer is pretty much always the same.
  17. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    If your pointing the OP thing at me Well I actually went into the threads and checked if they were staff, loyals and what not. But if it was at me then yea. But if Not I don't know who you were pointing at.
  18. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Really, I don't care about feature as much as I just want people to play my maps. When I start up a gametype on my map short circuit, and I hear that they have actually played this map before, makes me happy to know that people are actually playing/enjoying them. Isn't that the reason we all make maps, to have fun, and know others are as well?

    But I understand where you are coming from, but like it has been said, Staff members play eachother maps, as well as premium, and in a way, they get "first dibs" on Staff attention. However, staff do pay attention to all the maps they can, and like Nemi said, their are thousands out there. So, when you post a map, I think it comes down to making it look as appealing as possible so it doesn't get skipped over.
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I think you stated that perfectly Insane. I believe you are right.

    Which is why I'm glad you decided to make the Testers Guild. With people working/testing together in that matter, the people who get their maps tested are more likely to get advice from the people who help test. To make that maps better of course. My map 3rd Judith for example. There were a few flaws in it, and through testing, it was made to perfection with the help of fellow forgers. I also helped recently a fellow new forger with his map The Village. I gave him good advice to making his map better. As did a few other people. Having multiple testers is a good thing because you get multiple tips to making your map better. The true question though is will they make it better? Well, that's really up to the creator.
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Yeah. I'm pretty happy about the Guild, too. But let's not get offtopic.

    BTW, if you think a map should be featured, dont post it here, post it in my Visitor messages or in a PM. Tell me what you like about it, whatever.

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