Furnace [v3] [Final Version] By ajpsk8 An unfortunate player burns in the furnace What's in v3: The explosion is back! but only explodes every 20 seconds There is an easter egg for whoever reaches the hill first A gravity hammer is now on the map. It needed to be on this map. The overshields are now in the back tunnel. The power weapon is now in the upper (exposed) tunnel It is easier to shoot down from the roof into the furnace (1st screenshot) The map is 100% inescapable More effective weapon spawns implemented CTF gameplay improved Overview About Furnace is a map unlike any other. How? Why not play a game of KoTH and find out that managing a hill on a small bridge suspended over an ongoing explosion calls for some intense play. Once you fall in to the furnace, you have at most 20 seconds before the contained explosion goes off - note that contained means you cannot get hurt outside of the furnace. The furnace is an aesthetic work in its own. You can watch the explosions through the fence boxes that align perfectly with the thoughtfully aligned box floor. The floor is raised at a perfect height to allow smooth junction between the floor and the furnace. Every detail is carefully looked after to make this a great map. Editors Note: If you've been following this since the first version, you'll know that i started this map knowing no forge techniques at all. I saw a map that was simply a constant explosion with a game variant called "Hell's Hammers". This inspired me to contain an explosion in a map and have players be pushed in by their opponents during some very competitive play. I have taken the most time to make this map absolutely flawless. The boxes that make up the floor are positioned perfectly at the height of the fence boxes. The wall corners at the back of the map are geomerged and interlocked into the geomerged and interlocked floor (took a long time). This map is an aesthetic wonder. The visible explosion and thought-out tunnel design really looks great. Overall, Furnace is the product of over 100+ hours of work. I spent 3 weeks working on a single geomerge to ensure it's perfection. Weapons 6x BR | 30 sec respawn 1x Gravity Hammer | 90 sec respawn 1x Sniper Rifle | 90 sec respawn 2x Spiker | 30 sec respawn 1x Plasma Rifle | 30 sec respawn Equipment 1x Flare | 45 sec respawn 1x Grav Lift | 45 sec respawn Gametypes All gametypes are supported, heres a list: Supported Gametypes (Recommended, Not recommended) - KoTH - 1 Flag CTF - 1 Bomb Assault - Slayer - Oddball (ball gets lost in the furnace) - Territories - Juggernaut (but who plays anyways?) - Infection - VIP Screenshots: Just a quick shot of the merging... now onto the map: A player on the roof snipes the current king A shot of what would have happened had he moved over a few more steps This is the tunnel where the gravity hammer is kept You can shoot and throw grenades through a tiny slit here to avoid someone from grabbing the Grav Hammer CTF on furnace now calls for cross map, MLG-style competitive play HINT: use the map's grav hammer. Get on the ledge behind the furnace and hit the wall. It will send the current king right into the furnace. Hill Controlled A shot of the overshields tunnel The teleporter behind the furnace leads here; a small room where the sniper is kept. This is how the flare is useful A player boosts to the roof using a grav lift Sniping on the roof. I didn't see what was coming next. Hammer Hill Variant Since Gravity Hammers are perfect for this map, I decided to create a variant called Hammer Hill that is a KoTH variant with hammers as the main weapon and no other weapons on the map. The End Download: Furnace v3 Hammer Hill Variant (not required for gameplay)
nice work, final version too, looks really fun, and you deserve lots of good credit for working so hard on this--> im +rep
I liked the second version a little bit better but this map still looks amazing. The furnace is just an aesthetic to me so that is not what draws me to these maps. Still looks great with all those .
This looks cool. I really like the name I also admire how you took the time to accualy lable stuff on your pictures. This shows you put care and time/effort into your map witch should make promissing gameplay. Nice Work.
Hmm, looks nice and interesting, but it's an indecisive rate for me, looks like I haz to download it.
yo i saw ur bungie post and decided to take a look and first thing wow! dude this is a sick mpa the staff is outof thier mind is they dont pput this on the front page. sick work dude!
EDIT: oh you ment building as in the Furnace structure. Well its not much of a building, it just keeps the explosion from hitting those who are outside of the furnace (bottom 4 fence boxes) Thanks for the DL! bump the bungie.net thread too please? Thanks again, -ajp
looks really gd a big improvement and looks like u spent allot of time onit and its really paid off, looks neat and fun gd job
This map is a work of art! The interlocking and geo-merging is, actually, perfect. It must have taken many hours for you to have made this map. You have also looked at every possilbility of things to happen in the gameplay. (one example is gravity hammer though the wall.) The furnace itself is a nice aesthetic touch (and weapon if used correctly) to the map. I can imagine serious fun playing on this map. Nothing bad to say and definate + rep for this.
Thanks everyone! I'll be online in like a half hour (11:00 EST) so if you want to play on this map with a few others, send me a friend request or join my session. Feel free to bring a guest or friends!
I like maps that have somewhat of a twist to them. This look great to me. I'll dl and see how it plays.