I was just about to say Yellow god damnit. Aside from that, you do make some valid points, though, I just don't think this is something to get heated over. My main point is that there is unnecessary interlocking out there, and whether or not he exemplified it perfectly is relatively redundant, the point simply need be made that overly-interlocking isn't required for a great map. Oh, and aside from Yellow, I don't really have any...Why? because since the revolution of interlocking, everything outside of it is shunned, and noone gives a second thought of it possibly being a quality map. Your concluding thought...Not a waste of time, just a waste of being pissed. There is no reason to be pissed over something as silly as this.
I still disagree dude. There is no such thing as too much interlocking. Paragon has loads and is still great. There is such a thing as using interlocking badly however.
Matter of opinion. There is no sense in arguing over this continuously when we disagree with eachother. As for interlocking badly, there most certainly is that.
What do you mean you disagree? You think we should continue debating this when there is no debate? It's just a matter of what I think, or what you think? ...I'm rather confused...
I didn't make this guide for argument, this guide is a few suggestions on how to Forge what in my opinion makes a good map. If you disagree that is fine, but there is no need to start an argument to ditter the minds of those reading. I'm glad the issue is being resolved by itself, but any further conflict can be taken via Skype.
I saw mallet wanted tex to find a map that wasn't a mini game that wouldn't be better even with interlocking. If you didn't disregard this. I made a map called Low ground in tex's first lazy mapmakers contest. Even if I could interlock the gameplay would have stayed the same because you are on foundry's floor the entire time and I ran out of boxes. Overall, I sort of agree and I don't agree. I don't think there is bad interlocking. It is bad choices that make it bad. The interlocking is usually fine and same goes for geomerging.
its a sad age now for forge ever since interlocking came to be a standard its all people look for not gameplay geo merging and interlocking are now a must.....or you will never see a single download pathetic isn't it I remember a quality map being based on gameplay not how far you could push a box into the ground......my latest maps will never receive a download as there not on dlc maps.....heh oh well I guess I better prepare for the new age of epic failure....may my treeco shed a tear for the old era of forge....*tear*
Yeah I agreed with most of that, I think although negative examples are harsh they are at the same time necessary and it didn't bother me that much because they came from brute captain (lol) This actually goes along pretty well with the thread I have linked in my sig, I may try and add this in there assuming that it's okay and that my thread doesn't die off.
that map where you say theres bad interlocking is mine. its called ironhold. i wasn't good back then. it was the first time i really interlocked, so i think its a good job considering the circumstances
unneccessary interlocking doesnt exist in my book. interlocking everything brings a unified unique feel to your map. the more interlocking, usually the better the final presentation actually.
i like how this guide explained unnecessary interlocking and stuff, i never really took that into account.
Well I just today was told of this thread by one of my friend's. And I have to say, bravo. I would like to point out that first, the overhanging double box structure was a touch added by SK De5troy999, and it was a great idea. It added an excellent Forerunner-esque quality. Also, the two merged double boxes in the middle, they serve a purpose as well. They not only provide a good amount of cover for those traveling through the center of the map, but also, I intended them to restrict the movement of the Ghost. So, now that I've cleared that up, goobye good sir.