I like Shock Theta's puppet a lot, but it is tied with Insane54 avatar. Hmm... Which one can I pick, I think I will decide with Insane54 rock and roll avatar onto this topic. Hopefully he doesn't change it for a while so I can still idolize the singer and his long crazy hair!
Now that someone voted for me, I officially switch mah vote back to me XD thanks radiant rain, u cool. +repz0rz!
that is your opinion. truthfully, rep doesnt mean sh*t at all. with anything. It doesnt make you cooler. It doesnt up your chances at loyal or recon. Its just something to give out to people you think, for any reason THE GIVER thinks is deservable. If I decide to give all my friends plus rep right now just cause they're my friends, it won't make them that more amazing. So I think, though your proposal is smart, well thought out and possibly helpful, it will not change anything and people will continue to give rep as they wish. Be "sickened" with me as you said in the post you will be, but I don't care. Sorry.