This map is kinda small, but it's very fun! Download :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Go!!!! Pics : Starting Area The Big Ramp 1'st Turn 2'nd Turn 3'rd Turn 4'th/Last Turn And the Stretch to the Start! Make your own gametype for it
dude a bit more interlocking would be necessary to make this map a better quality. the main thing would be the boxes
i see to many ways to fall of and too many poor interlock's. and try describing the map, not just saying it is fun
I know its not interlocked perfect, but it looks good and plays good. I might make a V2, and inter lock them! There is no gametype, make your own or download one. I'll make one l8er and Post it too! And I will fix that in V2
looks cool, like it took a lot of time. looks challenging, and fun. i do see one part where theres a little opening between the double boxes though.
this isnt your map again this is seriously annoying every map i see from you is not yours only one that is, is that one on ghost town that is seriously bad.
IS this Map yours? I highly doubt it. I would love to join you to see if you understand the concepts of merging, or even re spawn times. this map looks amazing, and i give credit to the CREATOR of that map. However your slate has proven that we cannot trust it to be you. and i wish you foreword my thanks to the original. i however hate racing, but its still no less an amazing map.
i very much like the perspective of the picture of the first turn....otherwise, i think yu should improve on the cheat-proof system....