Hey everyone. I was searching the internet this morning being bored when I came across this. Apparently a user named Zortum searched deep inside the HDD to find out all the info. Just read the whole thread to get a better understanding of it. Anyway, under one section of the post he had MYTHIC AND FORERUNNER MAP PACK NAMES. The thing that caught my interest and should also catch yours is that one of the map names is Sandbox. Could this be the limitless foundry we have all been hoping for? What do you think? EDIT: Another forging map could be the one called assembly. EDIT:EDIT:Halo 3 - Interactive Innovation Acceptance Speech | GamesRadar possible footage of the new forge-able map at the end of the video. Also shows some ai in multiplayer. EDIT:EDIT:EDIT:Bungie WWU confirms there is no ai, but doesn't shut down the idea of a map editor. Also towards the end it proves the list of maps is correct by officially naming purple reign Assembly. NOW, the list seems to be legit, so we can expect to see each of these maps in the future!
Pretty good find. I am wondering what the playlist that they showed called "Forge Galore" is. Maybe it's where we Forge Hubbers teach the younger ones the way to forge. Lol, I don't know but it sounds pretty cool.
Wow this looks so cool, so many playlist. Oh and forge frenzy is probably all the best forge maps (aka anything featured on ForgeHub).
or it could be where fun custom maps are put (definetly mnot the features, there all asthetics today) and verno, the forgehub features arent very good today, they have little playability "looks at martydom"
Thats not our fault. We have a quota to fill, which involves finding 3 maps that look good enough to be Featured. We play them too, but some maps we just have to fall back on.
Most likely the forge playlist is the best of the best map creations. On the other site people are speculating that sandbox is going to be a new forge map.
Um...why would future DLC maps be in the game code? Or were you saying this was in the recent update code on the hard drive?
It is a nice list, but we don't know if it is real yet. I believe that Bungie will make a new foundry type map, but not for a while. And I don't think they will make a Forerunner map pack.
Idk too much about it, but on Highimpacthalo they are saying it's what comes up when someone looks at your status. For example: when you look at someone playing halo 3 on the xbox guide it will say something like matchmaking in team doubles or playing custom game on foundry etc. Just read the thread for more info. Also, I'm pretty sure he just made up the name forerunner map pack as an alias for the map pack after mythic. The maps listed also go in order of hex code. So the first three maps listed would be part of the mythic map pack and the next three would be part of the next map pack. Remember I'm just going off of what was posted over on the other forum. I'm not backing it up, I'm just spreading it and hoping that it's true.
Sanbox sounds like the one used in the award. It looked empty. FOUNDRY 2.0!!!1! Seriosly, I can't wait. Nice find.
Great point. They can't just go around and pick every good map they see to be featured. They need to fit a quota as Insane stated. And Forge Galore Couldn't Be that because they already have a playlist set-up for custom maps. Unless they pick from like us (FH) Halotracks that kind of thing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBfrnOENUxM Go to the end of the video, it shows a new map. Possibly a new Forge Map?
Exactly! Either these are fake or they changed the name again. I don't know. You can never tell if these are real or not.
if you used your brain, you'd know those are code names. Purple Reign? who the hells gonna name a map that?
Interesting, the maps listed sure do sound like maps that would be in Halo 3, but so do alot of things. Assembly could be that warthog inc we heard about during release. Orbital sounds like Moonbase Alpha. Citadel or Heretic could be Purple Rain. Sandbox...? Sounds a lot like SandTrap for forgers. Longshore (OMG LIEK A WATER MAP OMFG YES!!!) Forerunner map pack? I don't think they would name a map pack that, because none of those map sound like forerunner maps. Also, Icy Treats is missing from the list, makes me think its fake. Well when the next map pack is released then we will know for sure.