please post comments on how to improve and all the bits you like. and don't This is the main tower in the middle of the map. The zombies start round the back!!! This is the wall were lots of the action will take place with it's defended platforms. Try and get in to the enegry defended base! Fin the way up to the top from the bottom , if you do you will own!"£$%^&*" Whilst you are there try dig in to the action !£$%^&* Thanks for looking Here is the link to the map Map and game type Game
this is a double post please do not re post your map if you stop getting comments and dl im contacting a mod to shut this threa down here is the first post if you would like to comment or dl go to the first post dont waste time posting on theis one
Sick map and i love the center structure but i dislike shield doors, I would love to see the kinda map you could make without them.
Wait a minute.....haven't I seen this before? I'm gonna do some searching here but I do think I've seen this somewhere before. EDIT: My bad, ExtreemKablooie, I didn't read your post. But yea, M4JORNINJ4, you can't repost your map if it stops getting replies. That's what the little kids at do. Can we get a mod to close this please?
this is the first map i have seen that involves a air traffic control tower i like that anyways gameplay doesnt look that great though