yeah, I think the original stock would help also. It's hard to tell what you actually did besides maybe sharpen a bit.
No, he made it cropped. Added his name inside. Also the lighting seems to be a different color from the original picture. Epically with the smoke, it is completely different. The signature looks good and I like the newer colors. Gives the picture more of an in-depth look.
I am sorry, but where have you been? Haze has been out for awhile and was totally overhyped by PS3 fanboys, saying they have a game "better than Halo." However, once it came out, it failed, epicly. It was trash, graphics weren't as great as they promised, story fell off short, and has some of the worst voice acting for a videogame. I played it with my friend, beat it in one night, and never wanted to play it again, cause it was bland and dull. But ya, this game has been out. As for the sig, you really didn't do much to it, just cropped and stuff, so I wouldn't no how to rate this. Looks cool, but could use some artistic custom work to really make it your own.
exactly, there arent any haze renders, and I didnt have to do much to make it look good, It was a great stock. And also i didnt know it ahd been out, i just played the demo
Lol yes, it has been out. The main reason that really there are no renders or you don't hear much about it is because once it came out, and moments later horrible reviews were up, people just let go of it, and let it fall into the pit of the dead. I guess PS3 gamerz were so hurt that their hyped up game failed so much, they just pretended it never existed to avoid harrasment from 360 players XD