
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DipDapDop, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    Map: Quandary (Foundry)

    Gametype: Minotaur :viral:


    Map Description:
    I noticed all of the labyrinth maps showing up and decided to make my own. The Quandary is a maze with very narrow passages. The passages surround a central tower that over looks most of the maze. Scattered across the halls are needlers, a sword, a fuel rod gun, and a variety of equipment. The reason this map succeeds where the other maze maps have failed is because of its close quarters. Most maps of this kind are too open.


    Gametype Description:
    This map is to be played with the Minotaur gametype. The Minotaur spawns in the central tower, while the humans are scattered across the maze. The Minotaur has a Gravity Hammer, 2x Overshield, infinite ammo, and no radar. The humans spawn with a shotgun, normal shields, limited ammo, and radar set to allies only. There are 10 rounds and each player gets 1 life per round to ensure that nobody gets careless.


    Maze 1

    Maze 2

    Maze 3


    Outside Tower

    Going up to the Tower

    Inside Tower


    I know this map is far from perfect and I am open to criticism. I am still learning these new forge techniques, and I think they could improve this map significantly. I mostly made this map to introduce the idea of narrow corridors as opposed to all of the spacious mazes I have seen.

    Some things I've noted:
    -Palettes could be wedged into walls so they can't be moved, only broken.
    -A Juggernaut variant could be interesting.
    -Maze could be bigger/more elaborate.
    -The walls could be fused together along with the floor in the tower.
    -Weapons could be experimented with more.
    -More spawns to be added.
    -I haven't tested out the map with all of the equipment added, I think it might be too much.
    -I am a noob, and my shoes have been stolen. So much for my marquee :squirrel_wtf:

    If you want to improve this map, go for it, but send me a link so I can enjoy your creations as well.
  2. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    I can't tell, are there lots of dead ends? You could make this map to go with all the gametypes (mostly one-sided.) One-sided territories or Conquest would be fun, Juggernaut would kick arse, oddball to make a real puzzle or just a crazy game, but CTF and Assault I don't see working. Looks good, but it would be better with different gametypes! :squirrel_rocking:
  3. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    No, there aren't many dead ends. Sorry about the pictures. It was hard to take a picture from above, I couldn't fly up high enough. For gametypes, maybe 1-flag CTF as well?

    It definitely needs more work, but thanks for the inupt.
  4. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    No problem... 1 flag CTF would be too hard. I mean finding ypur way through the maze, then back would be hard. Maybe just 1 bomb Asualt would work then. Also, try using more deadends. The merging objects trick might help. I also see some crooked walls, try straightening those out...
  5. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    The dead ends could be a good idea. Yeah, the whole map is pretty shaky. I think I'm going to make a new one from scratch in a while. I want to use the merging objects glitch, but I'm afraid it will take too much time and not pay off enough. Maybe I should draw it up on paper before I go through with it.

    What do you think of the tower? It has a decent view of the maze, but it feels like somethings missing to it. Maybe I should add more ways to enter it? The problem is the more walls and objects I waste on that tower the less I have for the maze.

    I like the idea of 1 bomb Assault and Juggernaut. I'll have to test those out.
  6. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    I don't know about the Infection gametype. Why bother giving the zombie 2x overshields if the humans can't kill them with one shotgun blast? Seems pointless to me.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    At least you tried. I'm no big fan of Maze maps, but this one merits a more precise inspection on my part.
  8. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    Well, there's only one zombie, and it's more of a battle to be the last one alive, It's not about killing the zombie it's about not letting it kill you. I don't think I mentioned the scoring. If I remember correctly I think it's 5 points for last man, 1 for human kill, 2 for zombie kill. I kinda agree zombie might not be the best gametype for this map, but it is fun. Turning a corner and being face to face with the Minotaur.... it makes me jump sometimes, haha.

    Thank you. Yes, I have not played one maze map that I have been satisfied with. That's why I made my own. Like I said, there is still a lot of room for improvement, but I'm trying to go in a different direction.
  9. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Pictures of the tower? I don't see how to get up/ inside, but it sounds like a good idea to look out at the map. Definitley would be a good place for object plants and maybe zombie spawns (?).
  10. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    I'll post some more. Good pics are hard to take because everything is so confined. The tower isn't what I want it to be right now. You grav lift up from the inside and can drop down on the inside or through a rear exit. I think this is where this map holds the most potential.

    Also, I should mention that I turned the gravity up to 150% in this gametype so you can't nade out of the maze. It isn't really noticeable otherwise, but I thought I would let everyone know. Anyways, once I remake this how should the nade jumping be dealt with? Not just for infection but for all gametypes. I think the gravity solves it but I don't like changing the game physics too much from what everyone's used to.
  11. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    All i have to say is woah
  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    I like how the tower adds a nice twist to the common maze map.

    you might want to consider placing windows or barricades in the tower so people can shoot from and to it with greater ease, It's annoying to lock on to your target's head with a sniper only to have your shot hit the fence wall in between you and him.
  13. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    I originally just wanted it to be a sort of lookout tower. Not for killing, but for finding your opponents. I didn't want it to be camped. You make a good point though I'll take that into consideration when I remake this.
  14. DrNas

    DrNas Ancient
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    this map would be fun for an all out shotgun battle, 16 players all shotguns, u should also make a 2nd floor, that would be so cool, like make a roof to the 1st floor so when u look up u dont c the tall sealing of foundry, but u see 2nd floor, and some places make it visible, like put the fence wall instead of the solid wall, like make rams that go to 2nd floor
  15. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I've seen a lot of maze maps, this one looks no different than the others. Although it sounds like it could be fun with the gametype you've provided. Organized too, which is important in a maze map. Nice work.
  16. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    I wish I could make it bigger, but I ran out of objects. I like the open ceiling though anyways. It gives it the feel of a hedge maze you know?

    Thank you. I don't know which maze maps you've seen, but from what I've seen this is the only one with narrow corridors and a tower. I think those features make it significantly different.
  17. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    That tower really makes this different from any maze map. Nice job.
  18. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Lol, first im like, cool title, then I click it, HOLY CRAP BIG MAZE.
  19. DipDapDop

    DipDapDop Ancient
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    Yeah I had it titled "Labyrinth" at first, but apparently so did everyone else. So I thought I would change it to something more clever.
  20. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty much like all other maze's. Personally I have only liked 1 map and that is The Labrynth

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