The Factory Fief

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hank102938, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    Map Title: The Factory Fief
    An old two base stronghold used durring a battle a few hundreds of years before the halo.

    Download Map

    Game Types: Map is setup for all game types.

    Number of Players: F4A up to 8 (12 for infection) or 2 Two teams of 3-6.
    Once an old factory, it was modified and turned into a stronghold. The stronghold was soon partly taken over by an enemy force. So, the two sides made a separating wall that spans the middle. Thus two bases were born.

    Blue base during assault.
    This is Blue base. With one warthog for transport (Behind the Double boxes) and various, but scarce weapon placement. The weapons for the base areas include 2 SMG's a BR and an AR along with a Machine gun turret. There is a Gravity Lift and a few Plasma and Frag Grenades in each base as well.

    The Top part of the Elevator and The Arch.
    The elevator which leads to the uper walkway is regenerator activated. At the end of the uper walkway is a shotgun. What is "supporting" that uper walkway is the arch. The arch took quite a bit of merging and was very hard to get even. There are walls that are merged into the sides of the arch's boxes. They are sat on floor giving the structure a nice clean look and blocking off the little gab below the arch as it curved up farther from the floor. That left a nice square box size hole at the end for warthogs and foot traffic to go through.
    As you can see there is an overshield halfway up the arch. At the bottom of the Arch (backside of the elevator) there is power drain. In the box size hole I left at the end there is a bubble shield. The power drain is where the bomb(neutral) and oddball will spawn.
    Below where the power drain is places is a store room. The store room can only be entered through one side and there are windows to shoot out the opposite side...or throw grenades in. In there are 2 plasma and 2 frag Grenades. There is also a trip mine in there as well. Outside of the store room a little ways away on both sides are carbines (one for each side).

    A side view.
    The left of the image is where the bases would be. The two platforms that span from the stairs to the vertical double boxes allow for an attack from above. There is an BR by the barrier on blue side(show in image) and an AR by the barrier on red side. There are two magnums on the double boxes before you get to the elevator. There is also a sniper rifle in between the two vertical double boxes. There is a regenerator by the elevator. It is on instant respawn.

    Half map overview.
    This is an overview of red side. Not much to say. This map is hard to drive a warthog on. With tight areas there is not much space to quickly drive through, but after the cram there is always an open area where you can easily turn.

    Weapon/Equipment/Vehicle list:
    Weapons: 5 AR's, 5, BRs, 1 Shotgun, 1 sniper rifle, 4 SMG's, 2 Brute shots, 2 maulers, 2 magnums, 2 carbines, 2 spikers, 2 plasma pistols, 1 needler, 1 Plasma Rifle.
    Equipment: 1 trip mine, 1 bubble shield, 1 power drain, 1 regenerator, 1 overshield, 6 Frag Grenades, 8 Plasma Grenades, 2 gravity lifts.
    Vehicles: 2 warthogs.

    That's about it. If you have any questions just ask. So download and enjoy.
    #1 Hank102938, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
    M.Jelleh likes this.
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty good
    nice inerlocking and it looks like it playes well
    you might want to flip those bridges

    bleep bloop
    achivment unlocked
    10G - Made a fair map
    #2 Mace, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I like your map a lot. It seems that everything is focused in the middle. Maybe some more cover on the sides would work? It sounds pretty competitive. Can you list the weapons in one place?
  4. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
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    There is a little bit more cover on the sides than you can see in the pictures. List the weapons in one place??? See the weapon list if that is what you mean. its at the bottom of the post.
  5. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i like the curved area in the middle, bue you should flip your boxes, and maybe a bit of cover on the sides. but besides that the only thing i have to say is that i have litterally no idea what a fief is. but OH WELL.
  6. V Undertow V

    V Undertow V Ancient
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    Hmm, lookslike too much equipment, and a few too many weapons. I don't see the point of the warthogs in a map like this, but oh well. I don't really know what gameplay would be like, but 3/5 for now. Aesthetics are kinda nice, but some bits look rather sloppy.
  7. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i really like that arch, well done
    the middle area looks like you put a lot of time into it but i think you could make better bases.
    it looks like a wire spool, a fence wall and a wall corner
  8. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map looks pretty good and it seems pretty competitive but you dont need paragraph long descriptions for the pictures
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The center piece is the only interlocked section, there does not seem to be enough cover around the rest of the map... But it looks nice from what I saw.
  10. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like to be sure people know exactly what to expect.

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