Icy Bumper Cars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Zachary9990, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Time to create- 1 week (with testing)

    Hey! It's Zachary9990 again with another installment of Bumper Cars. My first bumper car map was Three Holes on Foundry and it consisted of a large platform with 3 octagonal holes down the center of the map. Today, I bring you a entire new concept. This map is on Avalanche and has a new area to have fun just incase you fall off just a little early.


    The Basics

    The Idea of Bumper Cars is to get in a vehicle and knock the other person off of the ledge of the suspended platform. In this version, you must push everyone off to remove them from the hill and gain an uncontested point. If you are knocked off, then you must wait for the others to fall off, or, as I will disscuss later, go in the special area I have created.

    Average Game Round Length: 1minute to 3 minutes.


    On Hill.
    25% Movement and 100% Gravity

    Off Hill.
    Mortal (100% Shields)
    100% Movement and Gravity
    Pistols + weapon pickup

    What's So Special

    What's so special about this map? Well for starters it is compatable with both FFA Bumper Cars and Team Bumper Cars. So you can do a 1v1 etc. (Up to six), or a 3v3 match.

    In this version there is also four Warthogs and 2 Prowlers. Surprisingly I have found this to be a very even match. The Prowler has more power than the Warthog but it more difficult to control and also tends to ramp up on other vehicles leaving them to the mercy of the person below. The Warthog is stable, but has less pushing power, but it's agility can trick a prowler off the edge.

    And of course, under the glass area ( which you will see in the screenshots or the video) there is a small area where you can watch the Warthogs drive over the glass above you and wtch teh fight. Be careful though, This room is packed with explosives and a turret which can end badly if some one wants to be a martyr.
    NOTE: Explosions under the galss will not disturb the vehicles on the above platform.
    Things to Remember

    Don't worry there really only one thing to remember. If the last two people fall off of the hill at the same time there has to be a deathmatch. In this case just kill eachother or go through the teleporter to the special room. No points will be gained for that round.

    Answers to questions so far
    First: You CANNOT get back to the top unless you mangage to make a giant pile of Warthogs and climb your way to the top like a squirrel trying to get to the top of a greased pole. So, no you can't get back up.
    Second: There is unfortuantly no way to prevent hijackings or assasinations. For assasinations I suggest just to try to stay in your vehicle. And to tell you the truth hijacking can kinda be fun.

    No, the prowlers and Warthogs are evenly matched. I made sure of it.
    Unfortuantly, the sides of Avalanche are very small. I could probably only get about 1/4 of the platform out and sometimes there might be the risk of getting suck against the invisible barrier and the platform.

    The Extra Room
    Look, people the extra little room was a last minute thing. The chances are that you wont even get much time in there. I just saw that I had a some empty space that I thought could use some stuff just to make the map a little cooler so please stop telling me I did'nt need it. I know that. It was mainly just for asthetics.

    And without further ahdu, SCREENSHOTS.

    Heres a General Overview of the Map, You can see all 6 vehicles and the glass center. Also, you can see the teleporter leading to the special room (see above).

    As I have said before in my Three Holes Post, "often there is no Mercy found on the platform."

    If you find yourself off the ledge, feel free to go through this little teleporter.

    From the inside you can see the battle rage on...

    Don't look too long though or someone may see it fit to shoot a battery...

    Please download and tell me what you think.
    Remember you need the Gametype too.

    Kayaman132 for the Unlimited money glitch map​

    Priest Kahn​

    And who ever helped test thankyou​
    #1 Zachary9990, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Does anything stop you from just going back on top? Also is there anything that can prevent hi-jacking and assassinations?
  3. ZatygaTO5

    ZatygaTO5 Ancient
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    looks like a decent minigame map ill dl and rate if i have room
  4. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Reply to master:

    This thing is suspended two box heights in the air so no, you cannot go back to the top. Also the center room is below the hill so you can't score in there either. Unfortuantly though, there is no way to prevent people who see it as fun to hijack(which actually can be fun) or to assasinate you (not fun.) But still this game plays out great.
  5. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    This is cool. However there is no need for all the teleporters. One will suffice and having extra will just lag your game. I like the concept. Good job and keep up the forging.
  6. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Reply to Benny IV:

    The teleporter are just an asthetic feature in the game. I think one teleporter looks kind of sloppy.
  7. aka chadwik

    aka chadwik Ancient
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    looks cool 4/5 stars
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    loks hella fun
    nice inerlocking and i like the teleporter
    the inside room is a fun twist
  9. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    good job with the teleporter thats some fancy forgin'
    the platform is very well interlocked which is more than i can say about the standoff version i play all the time
    i like what you did with this map but i feel like the point of bumper cars is splattering/pushing people off the platform so they fall to their death so this map kind of takes away from that
  10. BlackDistortioN

    BlackDistortioN Ancient
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    Nice Done but many other guys made this map on foundry!
  11. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Reply to BlackDistortioN:
    I have also made a version on Foundry as I mentioned in the first paragraph of my post
    Heres the link.
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    this is cool, i dont think teleporters are needed, if you fall, your out. would the prowlers own the worthogs life though? i have no idea if theres an advantage there.
  13. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    i like the look of the map but i think it would be a better idea to make it over the side of avalanche that way you can make it so that once you fall off it makes it funnier for the other people and it makes you work harder to stay on
  14. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    i like it but why not save yourself so much time and effort and for most they would enjoy it more if this was a push them to their death where they fall off map that way people have one life and then they watch from the camera everyone else battle it out this would make the game much more effective
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    If you kill yourself in that room, won't you spawn back at the top... Mabye you put it as starting spawn. I remember your first map, and I have to say that the interlocking is excellent.
  16. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Props man. Played it, loved it, and I'm on my way to DLing it so it can make the circuits on my college. It's rare that you find gametypes and maps so well-catered to one another in the phenomenon that is the minigame, and very few minigames are done as well as this one. From field size and shape to gametype mechanics, every piece of both this (and its correspondant Three Holes map) fit perfectly together. If the staffers catch wind, it will be featured as map and gametype by the year's end I believe...

  17. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I love ya man, but not in that way
  18. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    well as one of the testers (w00t i waz menshunned lawlz) i can say that if the prowler sits still it tends to brutally own the warthogs; also, if the warthogs are pushing the prowlers head on, the prowlers wont move; then they can accelerate and push the warthogs right off. can be slightly unbalanced but its sort of rare that anyone can stay on a prowler for very long. they tend to get turreted to death at the beginning, which is good because otherwise its slightly unbalanced. also, with four players, the prowler is usually not spawned at, so users have to meander their way all the way there, which is hard with only 25% speed.

    edit: also, if a prowler hits a warthog head on, it will slide right over the top and usually off the edge. in this way, prowlers are better from a defensive point of view, and warthogs are better at offense.
    #18 Rethal, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  19. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Could i surgest something that next time you built it over the the ledge so if you fall you are dead cause it might get a bit boring down there but this is a really nice map nether the less

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