Do you have a signature that you are completely obsessed with, or just think stands out from all the others?? i do.. and i thought this would be a good chance for people to show their favorites.. anyways heres mine.. idk why but i just love it.
yours is pretty sweet sweeny... but i think the light source isnt placed exactly right.. oh well its still awesome
Its hard to remember a favorite, because even the best sigs become old to the owner and are altered. So to dig through and try and find one I think is the best would be hard. Although my favourite that was made by me is my previous one: other ones that stand out are probably Waylander's and Mastar's. Both of which made by Reynbow, they are two of the better Halo sigs. Some of Lockdownn's recent ones have been quite impressive too.
I'm liking this one I made. This guy over at PlanetRenders made this tag, and I just can't get over how sexy it is. It's my favorite tag ever, but it wasn't made by me.
I like this sig i made .. But i made it for someone else so i can't use it .. I like this one too :- As it was my first really good wisp =]