Garnet By V3SPH Garnet is a medium sized map with many corners. It is played around a large sanctuary with the "Garnet" (Overshield) In he middle. YOu cannot get the overshield, it is only for display. There is a back caltwalk, that leads overtop of a Spartan Laser spawn. Each sides have a small sniper tower that will aid each team. Two teams start around a small wall, and rush to the sanctuary. Or they can stay behind in the sniper tower. The caltwalk at the back is also open. Soon after the game starts, the game will keep players in motion, moving around the level. Game Modes Slayer Team Slayer CTF Oddball Weapons + Equipment Sniper Rifle x2 - 1 Extra clip Battle Rifle x4 Shotgun x1 - No extra clips SMG x2 Plasma rifle x2 Spartan Laser x1 Plasma grenade x2 Spike Grenade x2 Firebomb grenade x2 Screenshots Overview The "Garnet" Sniper Towers Boxes on Outside Catwalk Spartan Laser spawn Action Download Garnet
i like it. clean interlocking. the only thing i would say is some of the cover on the ground seems a bit randomly placed(boxes). and i would add a longer description. But overall, good map, good post.
I would have liked to have seen more effort on the sides- the simple placed boxes don't cut it for me. However, the main structures are very nicely done.
map looks pretty cool, a decent layout. i think you could use more cover though. gameplays okay, runs pretty smoothe. oh and kudos for making your own map.
i must admit, a very nice map, but i disapprove of the random boxes on the outside of the map, i would try to put something meaningful there. good job, 4.5/5
It looks clean, has good interlocking, but it could use some more cover thats the only thing I see wrong with this map. And try to do something with those boxes that look like they were just thrown together.
Thankyou for the comments. The boxes were not randomly placed, i strategically placed them around the map. Every box is cover from 2/3 things, so your awlays vunerable. I thought it out, and the boxes are symetrical on each side of the map. Spam, but thanks =D
i like the map but to me it looks like the layout is like vendetta XIIV or somthin like that but its called vendetta but u should add more cover and make the boxes open with a weapon in them or somethin instead of using it for only cover
This looks nice, a really beautiful center piece. It's nice and I see you did some interlocking, good job.
I agree with Ace. It seems like you threw all this effort into making the garnet building and back half awesome (which you succeeded in) that you completely forgot about the rest of the map. The seemingly random boxes and plain catwalk just dont do it for me. I would reccommend doing something about the catwalk and boxes, find a way to make them more interesting.
Read my post on the last page. The boxes were not randomly placed, they were put in strategically. On the sides, there is 3 places you could get hit from. Each different box covers 2/3 of them. Therefor your always vulnerable.
This map isnt bad i like the structure in the back of the map but thats about it. everything else looks sloppy and thrown together it isnt very creative and probly wont have any good gameplay on it. on the pros great post and a good atempt on your first post better than what i usually see and welcome to FH