Well I've have been making infection maps on those old classic maps, and decided to make one on Construction. Hope you guys enjoy! Weapons Sniper rifle x2 beam rifle x1 Battle rifle x6 flamethrowerx1 Gametype Zombies 200% speed No shields Poor camo Energy Sword Infinited ammo Forced color Black (These traits go for the alpha Zombie to) Amount 25% Human traits 100% speed No shields No camo Smg Limit ammo Forced color None Last man traits 150% speed No shields Poor Camo Shotgun infinited ammo Forced color Pink Waypoint Visible to everone Map Pictures Also Zombie spawns are placed all around the map(and up high so watch yourself)To prevent those Spawn killing Noobs! Human spawn(the spawn inside the orange teleporter and go up) Outpost one(well whats left of it) Last resort Sniper Spot(The teleporter on the last resort is the key) And me areinger the creator Map link: http://http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24650884 Gametype link: http://http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24650918
This looks like a pretty solid map, but some of the objects appear to be thrown in for no good reason. And the map is called Construct, not Construction...
Like the creative idea. i love infection on construct, so i might DL this later. you should make a V2 and add more stuff down like weps and stuff. it is good though. 4/5
Don't you need to make your own map name? Anyways, your Forging actually requires no skill, this map is basically just Construct, but with some piles of Scenery thrown down, in symmetric or assymetric form, this probably won't add anything to the gameplay, and it looks like there's only some piles of Scenery at the lower end of Construct and at the Orange Lift. If your Scenery placement had something to do with the gameplay, okay, but this is nothing. I suggest only use the lower and the lowest area of Construct by simply blocking off any lifts, or other places that allows you to go up. And maybe if you do that, give the last man standing some extra POWER so if you use crates, he can blow them away, give him a Gravity Hammer also, if you'd do that. So Construct isn't a good Infection map, but it can be, only if you Forge on it the right way. I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to be helpfull. Happy Forging.
looks pretty good 3.5/5 for being alittle sloppy but nice map if i had more room on my xbox i will try it oout :]
sounds pretty cool and looks pretty cool i like the concept, too i havent seen that many original maps since the heroic map pack!!! ahh good times good times
I love maps on the orginal maps and this oner is no different it looks like a solid infection map but i think the base by the orange grav lift is overpowered from battle rifles and they can just shoot people coming from the sides so it's a big camp spot.