This map is made for slayer 4 player or team doubles LONGEST This is the sniper spawn I walk today Something just happend so i will re post the map Download link:
you didn't embed pics right. atleast theres pics though. is it a remake on elongation. go here to learn how to properly embed pics.
Yes you did embed them right but, you must have click the thumbnail or something because there kind of small...I will edit this after the pictures are bigger.
here are 2 websites you can properly embed your pics in: ImageShack! PhotoBucket! It's quite easy for both of them. But I recommend Photo Bucket for the effects you can put on your pics and how easy it is.
Huh? I don't get that last post. The map looks good, but it needs some interlocking in a few places to make it smoother. The double boxes seem a little off without it. Also, welcome to forgehub. Listen to stin, he knows what he's talking about.
hey looks like a good map but can you enlarge thew pics and maybe add a few moreso we can get a real feel for the map.
Looks good dude i think its better then i think it is but its only coz the hole picture thing so for that reason i give you a .............................. 3.99999/5 lol
guys, this has a lot of interlocking, almost all the sides are interlocked, the only non-interlcoked parts are the roof, which still is non-breakable, and doesnt effect gameplay, it is balanced and funf for small partys, i know this beacause i helped test it, but magic, you should add larger pics, an few more as some people will only download a map if it looks perfect (i know, its sad) make a weapon list, and take like a foundy-layout map (like the base of the heatmaps on bungie) and show the layout of this map. and add some action shots, but people, this map is a good 4/5 and worth a DL
From the pictures I can't really get a feel for the map, all I can see is a long hallway. Is this supposed to be a remake of Longest from Halo:CE? Because if so this doesn't resemble the original aside from it being a long hallway. Also, the map needs some cleaning up, the double boxes need to be interlocked and everything needs to be straightened out. Until more/bigger pictures are posted, I will not rate this map.
looks pretty cool i like the concept but i cant see like anything from the pics, nevertheless, looks fun