this once peaceful cemetary has become destroyed and ravaged over years of war only to become more and more polluted and look industrial. millitary presence is now everthing but unoticable. Now the spartans return once again to fight the coveinant and defend there home once more. most recomended play list is slayer (team slayer too). the map is not configured to other game types. sorry for all you objective lovers ill have a version for objective soon.(7/6/08 updated! for capture the flag also the bunker/sniper spawn now has a neat floor and doors are removed!) download heremain buliding the left base the right base small hold out cat walk destroyed wall bunker/sniper spawn (boxes now merged and doors removed) spartan laser spawn (oversheild moved) some action: download link again
Its looks quite good but it wont be good for gameplay if you place the Splaser literally right next to the Overshields but apart from that it looks relatively neat. One thing i think you should do is delete the doors in the sniper bunker as they dont really serve a purpose and you should interlock the boxes underneath , if you implement these ideas you'll deserve a 5/5! Keep on forging, A6B.
A couple things: You spell cemetery like this Your map looks nice, but I would say that it doesn't really look like a cemetery to me You should label your weapon locations on the map plz -masterjelly7
A couple things: -Think harder about where you place your weapons, equipment, and power-ups. -Try interlocking some more, it improves any map tenfold. -It doesn't really look like a cemetary. -Other than that, good job. The catwalk is a nice touch.
looks real nice good job i think its a little open but it still looks really cool i like the concept ill give it a dl
I like this map it looks awesome for FFA but not as much for team slayer. But i am definatley going to download it. It looks like a 4/5