I can not create a video to the PC so you will have to download to the Xbox sorry. Now you may think I am trying to show something kewl or haha funny. The truth is I just need to simply know what happened. I was playing Big Team Battle online I was on a Rampage when out of know where I committed suicide. Now just a heads up. It was not lag this can be proved by the fact that before I die, I get a double kill from the second grenade. If it were lag, I would have gotten double kill, killed from the grave. I have had many people take a look at this and no one can solve it. The download can be found with the following link. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=Lun1x
ive heard that someimes bungie employees watch games to get ideas and help (look for sometjhing about the ghost of foundry)...i think they accidentally hit LT sometimes and throw random grenades, they prolly do other accidental things but its less noticable...mayb their having fun :squirrel_wtf:
wow that really bites... i dont really know what to say except.. try to find a way to put the video on here and show us cuz no one will be able to help
I put the download link to the video, you will have to get it from Bungie even to look around to try and find what killed me. I do not have a video capture card or anything, unless you know of another way to create a Halo 3 video that I could upload to a video hosting site.
Im watching the video, and im exploring it, and no one in the game shoots you, but the suspicion about being lag could be true, because you die right after the hog does the second explosion. Another thing, is you fire twice at the dead hog, by bet is the bullets ricocheted and got you. Anyways I recorded the video for you here right click save as. i had other stuff opened so the frames around you sticking the hog drop.
Thank you Penguinish for the video file, but do you really think I was close enough for the second explosion?
i cant quite read that dose it say you commited suicide?... or that somone killed you?... because possibly somone sniped you... , but i think that if u can see your ally is throwing grenades at sum1 usualy that means somones throwing grenades at them back... so although there was no explosion.. possibly lag.. the grenade frum sum1 off in teh distance that ur partner was fighting.. might hav killed you.. it would be good to get a video of 3rd person view tho.. like say frum up above to see what happens..
szafranko, i watched the video from everybody's perspective in the game, no one shoots him, no nade goes near him.
well...... hmm... where he dies thats the same spot where the explosion was when he stuck the warthog... and his partner didn't get hurt by it... so.. maybe it's some delay.. or lag .. thats probly the victem here lag... im sorry
watched it and no idea. i slow-mo'ed it, very slow-mo'ed it, and extremely slow-mo'ed it. hmmmmm. that sucks for you though lol
Omg, i know what it is, using advance video zooming software, i was able to see the exact cause of your suicide, this video explains it. Watch the video here just right click save as we are so blind.
Ahhh! They're everywhere!!! On a more serious note, don't know about suicide, but sometimes after a REALLY close battle, I'll barely win, have no shields, and virtually no health. And I seem to "bleed out". Or maybe a pebble hits me or a monkey flings poo at me or something. But Suicide? Maybe related somehow?
lmfao Wow i saved it thinking u saw somthing lmao and wow ... yea sorry but this is going into the lost files .... or better yet we blame guardians/crab ppl