Ever since day one of Halo 3, I have been working on a project. Perhaps the most amazing thing ever seen in halo. It has spanned over 5 maps and after 25 attempts I have finally put it on foundary. this map exploits all of foundary's fenced glitch spots, the cieling rafters, the back hallway, both the bases, and an incredible base structure in the open area. I have put 72+ hours in to making this map, and that doesn't even include the hours put into testing. I have it functioning for every gametype and all weapons that I wanted are there. However, I have one big problem. Just as I finished my final few tweaks, I switched into forge mode to lay my few last objects. !%@#, I yelled, as I was greeted with, "You have reached the maximum of items on this map." So, I thought, instead of scraping some awesome elements to my map, I'll take out a few gametypes. I was wondering which Gametypes I should scrap. here are the choices: 1. Assault-Sorta a priority, because the potentienal chaos that would ensue from a det would be E P I C 2. CTF-Not a huge deal to me, but most maps have some form of CTF 3. Territories-Has potential, some great defense spots and such. 4. Oddball-Has a perfect oddball feel, where some areas would be great for this type 5. Juggernaut-What this map was origanally intended for, until I fleshed it out. 6. KOTH-KOTH would be great in this map, as there is a perfect, hillish area. 7.VIP-A great V.I.P. "escort" varient is playable on here, and I would really hate to see it go. I need to scrap at least 3 gametypes, so some help deciding what should stay and go would be much appreciated.
I'd take out #3, #5, and #6. EDIT: By the way, I hope it turns out well. It sounds like with the amount of time and effort you've put in though it should be great. :squirrel_wink:
although most maps have a ctf kind of way to it.. yours can make taht change.. i am hopeing to see a great map from you because what u say i just wish i wasnt a poor bastard and could get heroic map pack -.- n e ways i'd say get rid of CTF .. or... territories.. or... hmm wow this is a tough desicion.. but most ppl go with basic team salyer and possibly other varients and most ppl have VIP so i would take that out for sure!.. good luck and i hope to see ur map soon!
3, 5, and 6 are the least played custom games I've seen played (if at all). I'd take out those three.
72 hours construction!? That's almost unheard of. There must be some difficult placement in this map of yours. I'd love to see it when it's ready. As for the removals, I'm going to break the mould and say 3, 4 and ... something. Either 2, 5 or 6. I know lots of maps play CTF and it's popular, but if you don't think it's particularly suited don't let a better game get thrown away. On the other hand people are more likely to enjoy CTF. I'm loath to say remove the Juggernaut gametype because it seems to have a significance for you, plus >0.5% of maps are for Jugg.
what I wood do in this sichoashon it make 2 maps call 1 abc(ctf,jug,tdm,vip) and the uler abc(Assault,Territories,koth,oddball) or something like that. now u can keep all game types in your map but when u what to play assault after a ctf all u do is switch maps and as they r labelled you know which 1 has the game type. I am suggesting this as u have put so much time and effort in to this map. look foreword to playing this map when its dun.what I wood do in this sichashon it make 2 maps call 1 abc(ctf,jug,tdm,vip) and the uler abc(Assault,Territories,koth,oddball) or something like that. now u can keep all game types in your map but when u what to play assault after a ctf all u do is switch maps and as they r labelled you know which 1 has the game type. I am suggesting this as u have put so much time and effort in to this map. look foreword to playing this map when its dun. ps sorry 4 the spelling
Thanks for your suggestions. Yeah, I've taken ALOT of time to perfect and polish this down to every last minute detial. I'll be back wqhe nI have my final desicion. Look for the map by the end of this weekend
3, 5 and 6. Agreed with the 20 other people who have said those so far. I really can't wait to see this, you seem to have put a hell of a lot of work into it. Good luck getting those few finishing touches
in my opinion id say drop territories, CTF, and KOTH. not many people play those enough. but just my opinion.