Here's a copy of a blank Heatmap of Foundry. If you don't know what a heatmap is, go look at your career stats on, or click here. This can be used for displaying the layout of your map. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Just download the pic by right clicking on it and saving it to your computer, and then edit it in MS Paint or something and upload it. Here's an example of how this can be used, as seen in Gravedigger's Renegade map.
It would be useful to have a key about what the colours mean. Also, theres another map that Bungie made on a pdf file:
I'm aware of that pdf, but not everyone is so thanks for linking. I think the heatmap is better for layout pics. Also, there is a key to that layout in his thread.
I was actually planning on making a post about the heatmaps when I got on today, I just discovered them on bungie a few days ago. Alas, it saves me the trouble of doing the links... : )
I also think the heatmap is better for layout pics, but it also uses a whole lot more ink... This is if you're going to plan out your map or give a layout by editing the pic in MS paint or something like it. The main point of the pdf that this links to is so you can print it out, and plan your maps on paper... for many people a quick pencil box is quicker than coloring in MS paint. Also, it's easier to have paper with you than a computer if you have a desktop. And also, a lot of corporate web filters block sites like these (mine blocked FH today, while I was using it). And, planning your foundry map is a good way to make it seem like you're doing work when you really aren't.