
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jpec07, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    (click t3h picture)

    Technical Stuff:
    What I consider to be a huge improvement over my last map, "Pyroclast" (link in signature - I'm not going to spam you with my links), Circulation features even more extensive use of interlocking and geomerging of static objects, even combining the two procedures in one of the most frustrating structures I've ever forged. While I can't boast "total geomerge/interlock" status with this map, I can say that it is a huge aesthetic improvement over the last map.

    Unsurprisingly, the tiny size of the map limits party size considerably. At any time, there should be no more than eight people playing this map (even with seven of us, the chaos was intense).

    Perhaps my biggest blunder (which I'll fix if and when I remake the map) is the fact that I neglected to use the budget glitch. Seeing as how it is such a small map, I never expected the items to run the budget down so quickly, and as the end of Forging approached, I found myself more and more hard-pressed towards frugality (and by the time I realized the budget glitch would be needed, it was already too late to activate it). The result was that I was only able to place one weapon on the map.

    My choice of weaponry was a single Gravity Hammer, placed dead center on the cross-bridge, as a pin through the center of the map. It only ever appears in assymetrical games, as the defenders will need all the help they can get to stave off attackers with their objectives. I chose the hammer over other weapons mainly due to the pathetically tiny range it offers. While its damage resounds for a considerable distance, it is only lethal in a very small space. Still, when I remake the map, there will be more weapons to choose from.

    The Map Itself:

    First some screenshots so you can see what I'm talking about:




    Circulation consists of a single three-levelled room with four hallways that lead to an outer ring. Built around a circle, every part of the map reflects it in some way. In the middle room, the lowest level is the smallest, most inclosed area on the map (represented in the bottom picture above by the gray portions at the center). At only three single boxes' diameter and half a box's depth, it is a great place for a showdown.

    Above that is the crossbridge area (represented by the white area above - diagonal lines being where it goes under the level above). Employing four bridges that meet at the center, this level is where most of the fighting occurs. Also on this level are the four "steps" - the means to jump from the bottom level to the top without the use of a grenade.

    And the top level of the inner room (represented by the black area above, diagonal lines being where it is above the level below) is something akin to a catwalk. Its width is that of a single box, and the only things therein contained (besides the height advantage) are the spawn points present and a few of the objective points.

    Following the hallways will lead you to the outer "Ring of Death" (represented by the dark gray ring above). A narrow, circular hallway skirts around the perimeter of the map at a larger diameter, and houses the objective points for the defenders, along with a creative (and annoying in a good way, according to those who've played it) mechanism.

    In the map's description, it says something about it formerly being a water treatment plant, and this is what my mind cooked up. In order to filter the water, it first needed to be dumped into the center room and then pumped through the (now absent) filtration systems in the map's hallways. What exists in the Ring of Death is the pumping mechanism (read: man cannons and soccer balls in constant motion). It only exists in Assymetrical matches, providing aid to the Defenders by threatening ever to damage the shields (only shields?! Come on Bungie! Soccer balls twice my size can definitely kill me...) of the Attackers. While most people will likely be annoyed by this, version two will likely not incorporate this function into the design (although the outer ring will be there, it'll just be less "of death").

    Fish Out Of H2O - KotH
    Actually, it plays more like Slayer than King of the Hill. The premise of it is that the entire facility (map) is under water, and is gradually being emptied. Using damage, gravity, and movement settings, the "hill" is actually the place where you are under water. Your shots do less damage, you can take more hits, you move slower, and can jump higher while underwater. However, as the water level goes down, things start returning to normal. Three rounds of three minutes or fifteen kills, the game tends to go pretty quick when the only weapon available is a Battle Rifle with infinite ammo. Recommended for 4-8 players.

    Non-special gametypes supported:
    • Slayer (all variants, though I would call you insane if you wanted to do rockets on this map)
    • Capture the Flag (Multi-Flag and One-Flag)
    • Oddball (all variants)
    • Infection
    • VIP
    • Juggernaut
    Tips & Tricks:

    Three pieces of advice.

    1. Use the Multi-Levelled-ness. When you're under attack in the main room on the cross bridge and need a moment away from the action to let your shields recharge, it's a good idea to drop down to the level below you for a few moments' cover. Usually, it's less hairy down there...

    2. Take Advantage of the Pump. While the soccer balls can be annoying, they're also incredibly efficient at dropping a player's shields. If you're clever, you can maneuver the Ring of Death and prey upon unsuspecting victims whose shields fall to the wrath of the soccer balls.

    3. Bounce 'Round the Ring. I have yet to see this done, but I do know it to be very possible (and rather cheap). In a game of oddball, it would be greatly to your advantage to take the ball into the Ring of Death and jump into the man cannons. Keep jumping, and it will take you around the ring at a pace that is very difficult to kill. Of course, the way to stop this is to simply get in the way of the jump, but good luck surviving the incoming beat-down.

    Action Shots:
    The bodies haven't hit the floor yet...

    Two duels happening--too bad they don't care about the other one they're shooting across...

    Looks clear up here...

    Now that just looks like an epic duel about to happen.

    The Chase...

    Shoot up, I say!

    Standing victorious over foes slain.

    God (for everything)
    Nielsen's Homescan Consumer Panel (for giving me hours on end of doing absolutely nothing)
    Zachary9990, Rethal Sepsis, Pink Pineape, FattyFatFat Kid, Flames290 and the others in the room (for testing, playing, and giving me the most epic screenshots EVAR)
    Bungie (for creating Halo)
    ForgeHub (for showing me how to do it and giving me a stage to perform on)

    That's all I've got.

    Download Circulation
    Download "Fish Out Of H2O" Variant

    Feedback is wonderful: please, if you should download, tell me what you think.
    #1 Jpec07, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    looks like tuns of fun great interlocking and geomerging might want to add some cover
    LittleLordSissy likes this.
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Great, great, simply great map. Sure I'm sound like a lier. But I mean it. Your map seems to have everything right. Not about the interlocking, but the unique gametype... It gives players advantage and disadvantages. And I would never, ever have though of this.
  4. xXSgt MaRsXx

    xXSgt MaRsXx Ancient
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    Very good im DL wow a map like this and only 3 Dls

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is extraordinary (kinda ironic but thats like extra ordinary) but wow. this map blows my mind. ill dl it and try it out
  6. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    This map has got probably some of the best interlocking I've seen in... forever. It's basically amazing. I also give you uberprops for making the map inescapable, as I have now discovered on 2/3 maps that THATS EFFIN HARD TO DO. Screw you, Foundry back hallways!

    Anyway, it's a real letdown that you were unable to place weps on this map. It's the one glaring flaw in such an otherwise awesome setup. This could potentially be my new favorite map for Swords though XD.

    3.5/5. More weps woulda gotten you a 4. And yes, I have experienced the pain of lack of budget glitch as well... but more often the pain of Could not place item. Too many on map LOLOL -From Bungie
  7. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    WOW. The interlocking and geo-merging is great on this map. I love the layout, and the single grav-hammer in the map. Gameplay looks really good, 5/5, and I downloaded. Good job!!!
  8. nickseeknconker

    nickseeknconker Ancient

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    awesome looks great i love the way u geomerged on the first circular rotation i also love the interlocking and great picture quality
  9. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    First off nice looking map, the gametype sound very original and looks like a lot of fun. The map itself looks well planned and is nicely interlocked maybe for you next try not to make all the screenshots have that weird effect on them. It hurts my eyes a bit, but other then that nice job.
  10. the beefeater

    the beefeater Ancient
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    Looks amazingly hectic and fun. Its good to have maps that have an accompanying game type, and this one looks especially good. Like a more ninja version of Mosh Pit lol. Im sure it will play well and will be a ton of fun. Q'ed.

    **EDIT** People, people, people, the man has made a gametype, dl'd it too! Im only the 2nd dl'er of the gametype.
  11. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    a hectic map indeed. i tried 2 play ctf on this map but the flag carriers ended up w/ a lot of "epic stalemates" near the center and no one got any points. but wat ever. ossum map.

  12. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    This is simply amazing.

    I love your interlocking and precise positioning to make it circular. I also particularly like the aesthetic touches.

    Not too sure about the Soccer Balls though ... hope it plays well ... if so i'm gonna suggest for a feature.
  13. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks very nice i like the idea, that its so small with 3 floors, great idea, i like the brigdge u worked hard on this map i see, great job ill dl and check out asap
  14. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    I remeber playign this. It was great fun. Also thanks for sohwing me in the pics.
  15. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    wow first off i really like circle maps
    this looks insane
    first off it just looks good as in aesthetically pleasing
    second off it looks like some insane game play
    i think this should get featured
    i the interlocking looks painstaking and the lay out is really cool
  16. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    looks awsome
  17. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Wow that is amazing I'm curious how did you make sure the circle was perfect; did you use any objects to help you measure or did you just do it by eye?
  18. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Great map but it's really small.
  19. KnightofUnforgotten

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    Thats what she said

    btw nice i worship u. (See my challenge on Hanger)
    GO KIRBY (>^^)>
  20. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    That's something I forgot to throw out there in the first post: the fact that I paid huge attention to aesthetic detail in the very conception of this map. The red lights on the tops of boxes used to indicate the edge of the bottom level, the "doors" on the boxes between the hallways indicating that they can theoretically be opened for something, the silver "cross" at the center of the bridge (okay,that one was just sheer dumb luck, but I like how it turned out), even incorporating the pipework at the bottom of Foundry for some extra effect in the bottom level.

    The only aspect of this map that isn't up to snuff with the original concepts is the outer ring of death. I had originally planned it being on level with the hallways, but due to budget and item limits, found myself highly incapable of producing it. In the remake, the Ring of Death will be the main revamp (as I have since figured out a way to make it be on level with the hallways and reduce budget use to hopefully enable me to place at least some grenades on the map).

    I actually used a highlighted respawn area to help me eyeball where the objects should go. Getting the angles right was a bit tough (especially the eighth-pi angles on the geolocked floor boxes), but from there I used the normal design of the boxes to help determine where they would go in relation to the circle. For the next level up, it was a lot more eyeballing in terms of the angle, but I actually placed weapon holders on the corners I wanted the boxes' "doors" to line up with so I could have some point of reference before the geolocked boxes spawned. I actually adjusted the spawn area's radius for each level to give myself further reference.

    Yes, yes it is. That's the beauty of it. ^_^

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