Fight your way to victory in this tight coridoor of random teleporters, making for a very similar sight of watching a chase scene from scooby doo. The map is a simple and symetrical map, involving a long coridoor design with 4, 2 way teleporters on either side of the of the hallway and a reciever node at each end of the map. As far as weapons go i have kept them to a minimum to prevent the map becoming confusing and cluttered. there is 2 plasma rifles at one end and 2 smgs at the other. In the middle there is 2 maulers. I have also placed 2 spike grenades, 2 plasma grenades and 2 flame grenades. There is also 1 flare and 1 trip mine. the trip mine is good for laying a surprise booby trap for anyone who gets themselves caught in a teleporter run around and the flare acts as a quick escape plan to confuse your foes. the reason i have only included 6 weapons, all duel weildable, is because in original beta testing i found the inclusion of many weapons was messy and a lot of said weapons were never used. the duel weilding feature keeps the over use of grenades to a minimum. Also with all the weapons lacking a huge tactical feel, like say the BR, it keeps the feel of chaos and anarchy in play, also preventing camping. The map is best suited for FFA and team games of slayer and oddball. FFA games should run on players of 3-4 and team games for 3-6 players. The game variant isn't exactly needed but it changes the way the map plays in terms of pace. The variant increases speed of players to 125% and increases weapon damage to 110%. Starting grenades are also removed as starting weapons. Download the map Download the gametype
Bah, i'm always late to the game for these maps. I had been meaning to get it on for months. Anyway i have tried embedding a bloody screenshot and it isn't bloody working.
relax mate i like this map have a look in the forge disscussion and check out the guides then look at some other maps for insparation and try something else its a learning curve
i've seen this exact map before which means that unless you didn't know about the other one, this is stolen
there's a difference between trying to make a remake of a map and stealing it. but anyway about the map lol i wanna make a video on here with the Benny Hill theme. this is pretty funny i'm gonna have to make one of these (or just use this one.
nice idea ive never seen this map before or the idea before, great job ill dl and check out sounds kind of cool
yah, ive seen one, i remember. the kids explanation of the map was he was "loopy" and messsed up, and made it with actual doors. haha, you could make better aesthenics to make yours better
first make your pics smaller they take such a long time to load and they just get resized anyway. second take pics not in forge. as for the map it is a bit taky but probobly a lot of fun.
Its not stolen guys it is just a copy of another map you have seen. I thought the same thing but the other map that you are thinking of has ceiling fans made out of reciever node on the ceileng. Next time I think that you should make your map more original and creative. 2/5